Are you looking to improve your morning routine so that you get maximum benefit from your day? Andrew Huberman’s daily morning routine may be the answer. Let’s explore the details of his easy yet extremely useful techniques.
Who is Andrew Huberman?
Andrew Huberman is a neurobiologist and an ophthalmologist at Stanford University; his credentials are impressive, and he has made important contributions to the field of brain plasticity, neurodegeneration, and brain development. His morning routine is rooted in neuroscience, which is why it’s based on what our mental, physical, and spiritual bodies require to flourish.
As citizens of today’s world, we often take for granted how amazing it is that all our bodies work in synergy to ensure that we are alive. The morning routine can help control the autonomic nervous system to reduce anxiety and lead to better focus and memory retention. In essence, it can make the distinction between having a miserable day and a productive day.
Find Your Temperature Minimum
To start Huberman’s morning routine, first, you must find your “temperature minimum.” This is the time within your 24-hour cycle that your body’s temperature is at its lowest; it’s an important pillar of your circadian cycle. Knowing what your minimum temperature is can aid in optimizing your morning schedule.
- Know the time that you usually get up in the morning.
- Your temperature minimum is usually 2 hours prior to the time you usually get up.
- Your peak performance period is approximately 4 to 6 hours after your temperature minimum.
Temperature Minimum Example
If you usually awake at 9 a.m., your temperature minimum should be at 7 a.m. You can figure out your peak performance period, typically between 4 to 6 hours later. Therefore, if your temperature’s minimum is 7 a.m., your best performance will occur between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m.

Andrew Huberman’s Daily Morning Routine
We’ve all thought about the secret formula for starting our day correctly, ensuring maximum performance, effective time management, and efficiency. Let’s dive into Andrew Huberman’s daily routines and how to modify these habits to fit your own lifestyle.
Wake Up Early – The Golden Hour: 5-7 AM
Just like the sound of dawn, the neuroscientist awakes between 5:30 and 6:30 in the morning. It’s true the exact time at which you wake up isn’t as important as the next actions.
Awakening early, typically at 5:00 or 6:00 a.m., can help you feel more refreshed and focused all day. Also, early mornings are good for controlling circadian rhythms; this helps enhance sleep quality.
I enjoy drinking water on a regular; however, there are some who don’t drink it early in the morning.
While you are sleeping, your body becomes more dehydrated, so it is crucial to drink water as you wake up in the early morning. Andrew Huberman also suggests adding half a teaspoon of sea salt into your water to increase the flow of ions; this helps to absorb potassium, sodium, and magnesium. The simple act of putting water near your bed each morning can make this simpler to recall.
Get Exposure to Sun and Exercise: 7-8 AM
When you first wake up, and ideally during the first half hour of your day, attempt to expose yourself to sunlight. Take a bath in the sun; it’s not for warmness but to stimulate our body’s internal clocks. Natural light, particularly in the early morning hours, triggers the neurobiological and hormonal processes, from enhancing mood to increasing metabolism; this small act can be a game changer. The trick is to soak in the sunshine, even if it’s only for a short walk in the park or a longer-lasting sunbath.
Do a few minutes of stretching daily to increase flexibility, ease muscle tension, and improve blood flow.
Engage in some type of physical exercise, for example, jogging or lifting weights, to improve your overall fitness levels and energy levels. Implementing high-intensity training (HIIT) in your workout routine will improve the health of your heart and improve your metabolism.
Meditate – Mental Acrobatics: 8-9 AM
Meditation is a vital element of Andrew Huberman’s morning routine. Try to practice for a minimum of 10 minutes every morning to reduce anxiety and increase mental clarity. Meditation that focuses on breathing will help manage the autonomic nervous systems and enhance general relaxation.
Instead of dipping into the world of email and social media for 90 minutes, meditation is precious for cognitive stimulation. Working through research articles, creating podcasts, or engaging in challenging tasks that require concentration primes your brain for a productive day ahead. A walk with a purpose helps to boost the ability to think creatively.
Journal: Review and set daily goals
Writing a journal is yet another habit Andrew Huberman incorporates into his morning routine. Every morning, take some time to write down your thoughts, review, and set your goals and plans throughout the day. Journaling can aid in improving self-awareness and mental clarity and also serves as an opportunity to monitor the progress toward your personal goals.
Setting daily goals is a great way to stay focused and motivated all day. Set both long-term and short-term goals and record them in a notebook or planner. Re-evaluate your goals at the end of each day to review your achievements and identify areas that need improvement.
Note: Do (set, plan, and review) this at the end of each day to prepare for the following day. I highly recommend doing this.
Have you stopped to consider the importance of your thoughts and emotions? It can be difficult to understand them; however, what if finding this understanding could be as easy as a pencil and paper? This is what makes self-therapy journaling a method that allows you to investigate the world around you, comprehend it, and change your life by writing.
Journals are a chance to reconnect with yourself and discover difficult emotions.
Many people write journals throughout their teens, whether by choice or as a result of an assignment at school. Maybe it’s been a while since you’ve thought of using a pen and paper to share your thoughts and desires. Journaling is a great option for anyone at any age in life.
Retrospective and introspection of your everyday experiences, relationships, and personal values can help you become more aware of your feelings and thoughts; it could lead to more peace of mind.
Continue Reading: Writing Therapy: How To Write And Journal Therapeutically
Delay Caffeine Intake
“If you have a hard time waking up in the morning, or you’re groggy mid-morning, you might try delaying your caffeine intake,” Huberman stated on Instagram in a post.
One of the factors that can cause sleepiness is the accumulation of an organic chemical known as adenosine. Adenosine starts to build up in the system as you wake up. When you consume caffeine first thing in the morning, it blocks your adenosine receptors. This usually leads to a little energy when you sip your morning coffee, but it will be a major slump later in the afternoon.
If you stay away from caffeine in the 90-minute period after you get up, you’ll let the natural adenosine chemical increase to a satisfactory quantity in your system. This will allow you to keep focus and remain alert for longer periods of time throughout the daytime.
Cold Exposure
Being exposed to cold temperatures may provide numerous health advantages. A cold shower or soaking your body in a tub or pool that is cold for a few minutes every morning will help increase circulation, decrease inflammation, increase metabolism, and safeguard your health from cold weather. Begin with a 15-second cold shower and add 10 seconds every morning.
According to Huberman, the cause is “a big surge in cortisol, a big surge in adrenaline, epinephrine, dopamine.” Although some dopamine doses can be large and cause a massive crash afterward, a cold shower triggers big surges in dopamine that are long-lasting and are huge elevators for mood alertness and well-being.
Intermittent Fasting
Another delay in the Huberman schedule is breakfast. Huberman often skips breakfast completely and fasts until noon before having meals that are low in carbs. He drinks an ounce of AG1’s Greens Powder daily; however, this is more due to the massive mineral and vitamin weight than calories.
This Hubermanism is so effective that when you wake up with plenty of water and delaying caffeine, you’ll be able to feel your body working all through the day; you’ll feel lean, sharp, and focused. By the time you need a break around 1 p.m., you’re hungry but not starving.
Intermittent fasting is linked to weight reduction. Additionally, he notes, it appears to have the potential to have a “powerful and positive” impact on various health-related parameters related to a healthier life span, including a decrease in blood pressure, lessening oxidative stress, and reducing inflammation. This is the primary reason why many other experts in longevity believe in it in some way. The good news is that it’s fairly simple to begin.
NOTE: If you have a busy schedule, especially one that requires you to leave your house, I suggest you have breakfast.
Get your energy back with a healthy meal
Healthy meals are essential to Huberman’s daily routine. He suggests eating a diet that is high in protein along with healthy fats and complex carbohydrates to keep you energized throughout the day. Huberman suggests choices like eggs, avocados, and whole-grain toast.
The Afternoon Dive: 2-5 PM
Afternoon can be slow; however, our neuroscientists know how to fight this. By focusing on his thoughts, turning off his phone or getting it out of view, and then focusing on mental tasks, he can ensure productive afternoons.
Work stops at 4:30 p.m. when he takes time to do some yoga Nidra again. He refers to this as the “Non-Sleep” Deep Rest protocol, which gives him a boost of energy.
After the yoga session, he begins the second phase of his afternoon schedule, which is usually more imaginative.
Night – Sleep like You’re Dead
The majority of routines seek to give some structure to your day, but they do not have to dictate your daily life. Huberman’s is not any different; every sun-obsessed, extremely cold-plunging, cold-shivering, jacked neuroscientist comes down at the conclusion of a long, tiring day. As you might expect, winding down for Huberman is more nuanced than scrolling Twitter for an entire hour before declaring the day over.
Huberman often says that the most effective nootropic, stress-reducing boost in immunity and emotional stabilizer is sleep.
Andrew Huberman’s What NOT! to Do in The Morning
Beginning your day with a positive start can establish the mood for the remainder of the day. Here are a few mistakes you shouldn’t make at the beginning of your day:
Hit the snooze button
This could cause you to feel more tired and exhausted. Instead, try to wake up promptly daily and create a consistent sleeping schedule.
Check your phone
Avoid checking your phone until you’ve finished your morning routine. You can also set certain limits for phone usage in the early morning.
Skip breakfast
This is my advice, especially if you have to leave or work outdoors where you’re not in total control over your time: make sure to eat breakfast.
Breakfast is a great source of energy and fuel for the day. A lack of breakfast could lead to lower energy levels and less focus throughout the day.
Start your day in a rush
Make sure you have plenty of time early in the day to complete your morning routine and get ready for the day.
Concentrate on one thing at a given time and make a list of the most important tasks on your list of things to do.
Take care of your most important tasks early in the morning to establish a positive tone for the rest of your day.
If you avoid these common morning mistakes, you will have a more productive, well-rested, clear, and focused morning.
Procrastination refers to the act of putting off important decisions or actions.
You are not the only one who struggles with procrastination. Approximately 20% of adults and 50% of students report that procrastination is common. Even people who don’t regularly procrastinate still experience procrastination occasionally in their daily lives.
As you may have noticed, procrastination is a serious problem that can lead to a wide variety of problems. It’s no surprise that procrastination is associated with lower grades in school, lower wages at work, a greater likelihood of being unemployed, increased stress, higher levels of mental health issues, and more severe physical problems.
Continue Reading: Overcome Procrastination And Start Getting Things Done
What Does Andrew Huberman Recommend for Sleep?
Andrew Huberman studies the mechanisms of sleep and the brain. He has shared many strategies and suggestions to help you sleep better. Here are a few of them:
Stay on a regular sleep schedule
Sleep and wake up at the same time each day, even on weekends.
Make a bedtime routine that is relaxing
Relax with activities like reading, taking an ice bath, or attempting relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing or meditation.
Create a bedroom that is conducive for sleeping
Create a cozy and dark sleep space by reducing light and noise within the room. You can consider using blackout curtains, earplugs, or white noise devices.
Avoid caffeine and alcohol before bed
Be sure to stay clear of these substances for an hour before you go to bed.
Limit exposure to blue light
The blue light emanating from electronic devices like tablets and smartphones may disrupt your body’s production of the hormone melatonin, which regulates sleep. You may want to consider using blue-light-blocking glasses or other apps to limit the exposure you get to blue lights during the evening.
Get regular exercise
Exercise has been found to control sleep patterns, but it is important not to exercise before bedtime because it could make falling asleep more difficult.
Consult a physician
They can assist in identifying the root causes that could affect your sleep and advise on how to improve your sleep.
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How Do I Make A Realistic Morning Routine?
A morning routine that is beneficial to you is a fantastic method to begin your day on a positive note and prepare yourself to be productive and successful. Here are some helpful tips to create a practical morning routine:
Determine your goals
What goals do you hope to accomplish? Do you want to increase the energy level of your body, decrease stress, or increase productivity? Understanding your goals can help you develop a schedule that is in line with them.
Consider your schedule
In establishing a routine for your morning, it is crucial to think about your schedule as well as any other obligations you may have throughout the day. It is important to make sure you have sufficient time to complete your routine to ensure it doesn’t leave you feeling stressed or overwhelmed.
Start small
Try not to adopt multiple new habits all at once since this could be unwieldy and difficult to sustain. Start with a couple of routines you would like to integrate into your routine, and then gradually increase the number over time.
Make it enjoyable
The routine you have for your morning should be one that you enjoy. Make it a habit to do things you enjoy, like reading, listening to music, or doing yoga. It is not about doing easy and enjoyable things; it is about doing necessary work routine and finding ways to enjoy it.
Be flexible and adaptable
Your routine for the morning should be able to accommodate the changes in your schedule as well as unexpected situations. Be flexible in your routine in the event of a need.
Are you open to learning and flexible? Are you able to accept and embrace change in your workplace? Do you have the ability to adapt and try new things? Adaptability skill is one of the most sought-after qualities.
You will be a highly skilled professional if you can adapt to new environments and work processes. You are open to learning new things, taking on new challenges, and adapting to workplace changes.
Continue Reading: How To Improve Your Adaptability And Flexibility Skills
Prioritize sleep
Sleeping enough is essential to overall well-being and health. Get to bed at a regular time and rise at a regular early time.
Be consistent
It is crucial to be consistent when establishing your morning routine. Be sure to keep your routine in place, even on weekends and days off.
The process of creating a morning routine requires patience and time; don’t let yourself be discouraged if you struggle to stick with the routine at first, and don’t be afraid of changing your routine as you need to. After some time, you’ll be able to find the routine that works best for you and will allow you to go about your day with a positive start.
It’s highly unlikely to succeed if you’re not consistently making good decisions and taking the appropriate actions.
One thing that people who fail have in common is that they do not have consistent behaviour. That means that if you’re looking to succeed, you need to practice consistently, remain focused, and demonstrate more intention in the things you perform. Consistency will help you create awareness, establish trust, and provide your services with efficiency and profit; without it, your company will be more vulnerable to failure.
Continue Reading: Why Consistency is An Important Habit
Being in tune with your circadian rhythm and understanding your ideal temperature minimum is essential for your overall health. A consistent daily routine can help your body activate the appropriate biochemicals at the appropriate moment in your 24-hour cycle.
Our neuroscientist’s schedule may appear broken up into an hour here and 30 minutes there; however, it’s all about the intensity of involvement. Each day, each routine has a specific goal, forming the perfect day. While you consider incorporating these tips into your daily routine, be sure to remember that it’s not about imitation in blindness but adjusting to what works.