The human race is an inherently vulnerable species. Our evolutionary success is due to our culture and ability to listen to and trust stories from other people and, in turn, build an understanding of the world. In a sense, it is part of nature.
However, it isn’t always the case that what we hear from other people is helpful or accurate. There are numerous ways in which people have been deceived or manipulated at times for fun, but most of the time for the sake of profit or political gain.
Sharing social information is the key to our progress; however, in this time of unrestricted and unlimited information, it’s now an enormous challenge to choose which information to trust and what to deny.
What is the meaning of Naive?
Naive is the tendency to be easily deceived into believing something is true when it’s not. Credulity is closely associated with the tendency to believe in unproven assertions without any evidence to support them.
Naivety isn’t an established notion. While it may seem like an act of naivety for some, it may appear to be kind-heartedness towards other people, or even optimism, good faith, and innocence, in addition to other things.
Perhaps you are prone to be misinformed in your life and are worried that it can cause issues for you.
You don’t want to be untrustworthy or pessimistic, but you can’t continue with the way you’re doing it since you’re doing yourself harm.
Maybe you’re naive in relationships, thinking that things will come together and fall in love with the flick of a cap.

You might be unable to read others, and you always believe in the best ideal of them regardless of what happens.
Maybe you believe that life is always bright and sunny, but reality does not seem to work that way.
Being a person who is trustworthy is good; however, it’s equally vital to keep the right amount of doubt. In the absence of this, you may discover that you believe in things that aren’t real and get conned by other people. It’s possible to find the proper balance, even if you’re usually a bit too naive (no shame, we’ve all been fooled at some point). To assist you, REELNAT has come up with some guidelines for you to think critically to avoid scams and tricks and avoid being fooled anymore.
Do We Really Want to be Naive?
It appears that credulity and gullibility are related to our thinking process and the amount of evidence needed before we accept the information as true.
In most situations where people meet face-to-face, the acceptance threshold is quite low since humans are prone to “positivity bias” and assume that most people behave honestly and in a sincere manner.
However, it’s not always the case, as others may seek to manipulate us to serve their ends. In particular, we prefer plain-faced flattery over the truth, even when we understand the motives behind the communication. If the message is personally satisfying, we tend to believe it.
Additionally, we are subject to a distinct “confirmation bias.” This happens in the case when we are more likely to choose unreliable information that confirms our existing beliefs and tend to ignore evidence that questions our assumptions.
Similar biases are present when we pass on information that is not trustworthy to other people. We are prone to altering the shape of rumours and gossip to fit our existing stereotypes and expectations, even if the information is accurate, it is usually changed or even removed.
Public liability in the public space
Credulity and gullibility are crucial to the commercial world in the field of advertising and marketing. For instance, a lot of advertisements for brand names subliminally draw attention to our desire for the status of being socially acceptable and to establish a sense of identity. However, it is not possible to achieve real status or identity through the purchase of an advertised item. Water, which is a readily available, tasteless, and colourless transparent liquid, is currently being promoted as an identity item and a multi-billion-dollar industry that is based on misleading advertisements and our gullibility. Dietary supplements are a different industry that exploits our gullibility.
How to stop Being Naive and Gullible?
Whatever the reason, your inexperience has caused you issues, and you’d like to be a little savvier and more cognizant of the nuances of the world, but without losing the enthralling confidence and innocence that you enjoy today.
Here are some tips to stop being gullible and become better informed without getting disappointed.
Don’t make big decisions in a hurry
When we make major decisions in a hurry or when we’re exhausted, they can be unwise. So reflect on these issues and take time to ask a trusted friend about their thoughts. In fact, if you find someone trying to rush you into making a decision, then you need to be more cautious.
Avoid situations that are high-risk
If you know that you’re vulnerable to salespeople who talk smoothly, take a trip to warehouse-type stores with no salespersons. If you’re a victim of telemarketers who try to get you into buying deals you don’t want, do not answer the phone whenever the caller ID tells you a salesperson is calling.
Be honest about your shortcomings
You might be the most knowledgeable person in programming; however, this doesn’t mean you are aware of the automobile you should get. Perhaps you’re an insecure person who isn’t comfortable revealing that you’re not knowledgeable on a particular topic because you believe it signals weakness. An inability to acknowledge your shortcomings can make you a target for someone looking to trick you.
Learn how to stop engaging
You’ll be a more cautious shopper if you know the best ways to disengage beforehand so that you’re not overwhelmed when you meet those who try to pull you in. For instance, if you receive a call from a solicitor to make a pitch, you can interrupt the call by saying, “Thank you, but I’m not interested,” and then hanging up. If the solicitor asks you questions, then you could respond by asking your own question. For instance, you could respond to the question, “Would you like to save money on your utility bill?” With a question such as “May I get your home phone number and call you back later?”
Take a skeptical stance
Generally speaking, having a skeptical mindset like “I would like more information and proof of what you’re saying” can stop you from accidentally sliding down the slippery slope. You are not necessarily a negative and closed-minded person. You’re only doubtful until you have evidence.
Pay attention to the body
Knots in your stomach, your heart beating, your body’s telling you that something isn’t quite right, even if your brain isn’t sending you the signal.
Beware of ‘hot spots’ with a high degree of gullibility
Break-ups, illness, or loss of a loved one – can leave us vulnerable, and possibly more likely to be overly trusting. Find a skeptical person to provide assistance, should you need it.
In every scenario, consider, “Do I have enough data on this?
It’s about not reserving judgment until you’ve got more evidence.
Be aware of the cost and the reward
Approach a situation by asking yourself, “Is it going to be more expensive than it will reward me?” Then balance the equation, and if the numbers don’t work out, then don’t take on the risk.
Do not be afraid to stand on the edge of your seat
The fence is often underrated.
In today’s world, we’re usually expected to make a decision at a glance, and if you’re in the middle, you’re viewed as indecisive or weak.
However, the fence is an ideal spot to be.
It’s a place where you can look at both sides, and you can take the time to formulate an informed viewpoint instead of impulsively choosing one side of one and regretting it in the future.
Be more present
Naivety could be the result of keeping your mind in the clouds and not paying attention to what’s happening right now.
Therefore, you should make a point of being active in your daily life.
Instead of letting yourself get lost in your thoughts, pay attention to what’s happening around you and what other people are saying to you.
Listen attentively
Being a good listener can be an amazing skill to acquire all around and an excellent opportunity to gain knowledge about the person you meet without divulging all of your personal information.
You can ask them any questions you want and demonstrate your genuine interest in them instead of being eager to discuss your personal life immediately.
Do your homework
The most well-informed and knowledgeable people could, naturally, be ignorant, but their experience with things around them makes it harder for them to be fooled.
Make it a goal to learn about things you aren’t sure about.
If you’re uninformed about finances, you should read up on what you need to be aware of or take a class.
If you’ve experienced a scam or experienced an encounter that was close, be sure to keep checking directly with the business or the institution (if you’ve received an email sent from the institution you aren’t sure about, for instance) before deciding to act.
If you are experiencing issues with being uninformed in relationships, you should look into the psychological reasons that drive people to behave in a certain way.
If you’re not certain about something, leave and research it before making a decision.
Life is a continuous lesson. The more you’re taught, the more practical and practical you’ll be.
Keep trusting others
No matter what you do, don’t begin to criticize yourself for having a trusting character. Being able to trust is a beautiful thing.
Being less naive does not mean not trusting people. It’s about not making snap decisions. It’s about taking your time and thinking about things and understanding the meaning of the situation.
But that doesn’t mean you should not be a good friend to those around you and keep looking for the positive qualities in them.
The assumption that someone is trustworthy up to a point they show otherwise should always be your first decision, and this doesn’t mean you’re stupid.
Read More: The Importance of Self-reflection and Introspection: Tips to Increase Self-Awareness
Read More: The Power Of Saying “No” for a Less Stressful Life
Read More: Do Not Let Your Emotions Cloud Your Judgement
Be open to meeting new people
Your naivety could be due to the fact that you’ve lived an extremely secure life, with a lot of people who believe the exact same things as you do.
If that’s the case for you, then it’s time to be open to making acquaintances with people from different cultures or backgrounds.
If you’re not in an extremely diverse community, it can be difficult, but the internet is an excellent way to connect with people who are not similar to you.
If you live in a multi-cultural area with people from all sorts of socioeconomic backgrounds as well as diverse beliefs, then take advantage of it by being open to making connections with people who aren’t like you in appearance or speak exactly like you.
Let people earn your respect
You don’t have to be utterly skeptical because you’re trying to appear less naive, but if you truly desire to learn to avoid being too trusting or naive, you should not go through life trusting everyone who is around you. Learn about the people you meet and develop a connection with them before you make a commitment, regardless of whether you’re forming a relationship with a friend or somebody new. Making people demonstrate themselves to you rather than taking their word for it is a sign of solid judgment.
Explore the world and live in the world around you
Naivety is usually a sign of those who lack experience in real life. If you’ve never experienced the world in the first person, it’s likely that you’ll be somewhat naive or innocent.
People generally become less innocent as they age. However, you can lend yourself a hand by simply saying “yes” to living your life.
Try new things and volunteer to assist those less fortunate than you are, and discover new ways of life.
Learn about the past as well as the injustices and realities of the world you reside in. Look at things from another’s viewpoint and be a part of the world.
If you believe in everything I’ve said up to now, just because it’s on a self-development blog, consider rethinking it. Yes, I am convinced what I have written is true; however, you must think about it on your own. How do you know if you can be sure I am trustworthy? You’ve never had a conversation with me, and you don’t even know who I am, and you don’t even know my appearance. The fact that I own a blog does not mean I have a good amount of knowledge about everything I’m writing about.
You can’t just be a person who lives life with no trust in anyone; however, it’s not beneficial to trust too much. The best way to protect yourself from getting conned is to THINK FOR YOURSELF.