A commitment to keep one’s word is a principle that is highly laudable (praiseworthy) in current society. But what exactly does it mean? What is it that you are a person who keeps your word? The phrase could actually mean a variety of things, but it’s all dependent on the context in which it’s utilized.
One of the things we all want to achieve is being reliable as men. We strive to be reliable people who can be trusted completely. We want to be honourable men, even though many of us don’t really know what this means.
Being a man who is trustworthy might sound like a classic idea, but in this day and age, personal values like trust and integrity are essential in professional and social interactions. Being an honest man can be beneficial in your private life and at work. You could find yourself enjoying more satisfaction when you interact with other people in the event that you keep your promises. Being a man of your word is an act of honesty with yourself as well as other people, and it can require a lot of self-control.
How to Become a Dependable Man of Your Word
We frequently idealized the Gentleman’s Agreement. We are enthralled by the idea that “he’s an honest man who keeps to his word” as well as “he’s a gentleman, and he’ll come through.”
You’re looking to become “a gentleman of his word,” but how do you do it? What are the qualities that make a man who is true to his word? And how can you become a trustworthy gentleman of his word?
Being a man who speaks his mind could be a plea for you to be sincere and stick to your word. This could help discourage you from breaking your commitments. Also, it could indicate that when confronted by a situation that requires you to break your pledge, you admit it, apologize for breaking the plan, and make amends.

However, being a person or woman of your word can sometimes be difficult. I’m not saying that being a man with your words is a hard thing; however, I’m just saying that you’re human, and that means you’re allowed to make mistakes. Don’t get too harsh on yourself; accepting that you’ve violated your word is already an honest act. If you encounter someone and they challenge you on something that you have hurt them in the past, instead of entering into defensive mode, stand up and own up to it.
Steps on How to Be a Man of Your Word
Treat promises of small size with the same importance as those with a larger impact
It means committing to your word regardless of if people remember it or not.
- Give the same weight to keeping small promises as you do to keeping your big promises.
- Be aware of the importance of being an honest man. Honesty and integrity are essential, even when no one’s looking.
Many respected people are known to value integrity as one of their most important traits. Integrity is defined as making decisions based on values, not personal gain.
If my values are fairness, and I work at a club that shares the tips, and a customer gives me large tips and tells me to keep them for myself, has integrity been demonstrated by me taking my tip without telling my coworkers?
Another way to look at it is: Would I behave the same way if someone was watching me? You would act with integrity regardless of whether you were being watched because you believe it is the right thing to do. People with integrity don’t always do the right thing. They admit to their mistakes and make amends.
A decision to live an integrity lifestyle will impact all aspects of your day, including your relationships with family, friends, and business.
If integrity is lacking in our relationships, leaders, or ourselves, there’s a risk of support being lost. It sounds simple, but it can be difficult to put into practice.
Continue Reading: Ultimate Guide to Building Your Integrity
Keep your word, and do not deviate from the truth
People might not remember exactly what you did or said, but they Will always remember how you made them feel.
Write your commitments down
It helps in remembering your commitments. Use index cards to note important promises or commitments and store them somewhere safe and easily accessible for you to see on a regular basis.
- The act of writing down your commitments can help you feel more accountable for your actions.
Bridge the gap between abstract long-term commitments and short-term experience
It’s sometimes simple to make commitments that will be difficult to keep, as we aren’t able to consider things that are in the distant or medium future in a realistic manner. If you are asked to help them move in the next month, for example, you are more likely to accept rather than if they asked about this particular Sunday because the pain of the future isn’t real at the moment.
- Thinking about the future as abstract is known as the “planning fallacy,” and it could lead you to make promises to the future that you might not have otherwise taken.
- Take a moment to think about what you’re signing up to do as if you were planning to immediately do it. Do not agree to do anything that you would never normally do.
Do not agree to do things that you would rather not do
Sometimes, it can be tempting to participate in a conversation that you do not wish to have. The pressure of friends or colleagues may lead you to agree to something in the moment but not necessarily want to make the promise.
- Do not give in to pressure from others when you are asked to do something you really don’t wish to do. This will allow you to not revert on your promise later.
- Consider your commitments as an investment that you shouldn’t be able to give away without thinking about it.
Do not make excuses
Making excuses is unprofessional and takes away the obligation to keep your word. Instead, be truthful and apologize when you need to cancel your plans.
- If you’re not comfortable articulating the reasons you aren’t able to keep your promise, accept it with sincerity and state that you’ll be careful to avoid it in the future.
- Refraining from making excuses can help you motivate yourself to stick to your commitments.
Let your commitments be viewed as an investment
Although it’s easy to think of the obligations you make to others as burdens, consider changing how you view them in order to reflect the trust that others put in your character. You’ll be able to earn the trust and respect of those who are in your life if you keep to your word.
- Your word is the best method to show those who are important to you that you value them.
- People depend on your credibility and respect if you keep to your word.
Do what you say you’ll do, even though you do not want to
You must be committed to keeping your word, even if it’s hard to keep it at times. Sometimes, you’ll commit to something in a moment when it appears to be something you would enjoy doing and then discover that you are lacking motivation or enthusiasm when it’s time to complete your commitment. Do not let yourself fall over due to a change of heart.
- Keep your commitments and fulfil your commitments to the highest degree of your capability.
- Being faithful, even when you do not want to, will make it easier to not commit to activities you do not want to undertake.
Do not be vague regarding what you’re committing to
Do not claim that you might be able to perform something if you don’t think that you can just for the sake of conversation. Instead, you should make firm commitments to perform tasks that you plan to do and clearly state why you won’t be able to do it if you can’t.
- Do not use vague words such as, “I’m not sure, but I’ll try” when you don’t intend to do something.
- Be truthful and upfront about what you are able and unable to do. It’s better to admit that you’re not able to accomplish something today than to make an excuse later.
Create reminders for yourself on the calendar of your phone
If you’re not able to keep your commitments due to forgetting about them, consider scheduling reminders via your mobile or email calendar.
- The majority of smartphones have apps that let you create reminders that will go off at specific times and on certain dates.
- Applications for email, such as Outlook and Gmail are able to send reminders about obligations you’ve made to complete.
Respect the commitments you make to yourself
The habit of following through is one that can be built into our lives, so you must make sure that all commitments are given the same amount of importance. It is important to fulfil the commitments you make to yourself, as well as the ones you make to other people.
- When you make the decision to take action, follow through with it regardless of the person you have committed to.
- Being true to your word, no matter what can help to make it your nature and, eventually, will take less effort and less effort.
Find a commitment partner
Choose a person you are comfortable with and invite them to be your partner in commitment. An obligation partner will be someone with whom you have a conversation about your professional, personal, or social commitments. If you find it difficult to stick to those commitments, a commitment companion can be a powerful instrument to help you.
- Make your best person or your significant other your partner in commitment so that they can ask if you’ve fulfilled the obligations that you have discussed with them.
- A person to report to will help you adhere to your commitments.
Be habitual in keeping your commitments
If you commit to keeping your word as a habit. it will become an automatic habit for you. Instead of employing tools to help you adhere to your commitments, it is possible to train yourself to keep your word without the need to convince yourself.
- Keep your promises as a habit, and it will take less convincing and self-assurance to stick to your commitments.
- A habit of this kind can make others see you as someone who is true to their word.
- People will view you as honest, trustworthy, and constant.
To build character in any situation, you must know what you struggle with. If you’re struggling to be humble, search for sources to assist you in learning to become more humble and develop a habit of it; if you are struggling with self-control, Set goals and strive to achieve them in a manner that is right for you.
Making the necessary steps to improve your character is not an easy job. People are more likely to notice those who take the right path than what’s simple.
A strong character is something that everyone should strive to attain, but what exactly does a solid character actually mean? What can we do to build it in our own lives and our relationships with others?
Continue Reading: How to Build a Strong Character
Be a Man of Your Words: Quotes and Motivation
- Being trusted by others is a better compliment than being loved.
- Don’t make promises when you’re feeling happy. Do not respond when you’re angry, and do not decide when you’re sad.
- There isn’t a pillow as comfortable as one with a clear conscience.
- The truth has the ability to free you.
- Be able to prove your integrity by being faithful to your word and to live by the principles you preach, and, most importantly, by being respectful, loving, and respecting others.
- A person who isn’t honest is nothing more than a name with a face.
- The more you speak the truth, the more truthful you are, and the less you will need to recall.
- If you are unable to hear the words being spoken about you, make your actions your voice.
- Choose a man with the honesty of his words. He never makes promises greater than he is able to deliver.
- A man’s name is a reflection of his words.
- Your actions are more powerful than words. Therefore, act like a character with integrity and you’ll be one.
- Keep your word. Be honest. Do not give in to pressure.
- A man must be aware of his limits. If you are looking to make a difference in the world, start by practising the truth three times per day. Drink it, eat it, and rest on it.
- Treat others as you’d like to be treated.
- Always live up to your word. Honesty and integrity allow you to raise your head high and walk in a manner that is respectable.
- It’s quite frightening when someone’s words appear so authentic, but their actions are the complete opposite. Be the true man behind your words. Let your words reflect your true self; let your words define who you are.
- If your actions aren’t in line with your statements, then you have no reason to speak.
- Always keep your word. It’s the basis for honesty and your credibility as a businessperson.
- It’s not just about your words; it’s about your actions. Be respectful to people and honour your commitments.
- The word you speak is the bond that binds. It’s the only factor that keeps everything in place, both in this world and in business.
- There’s a distinct difference between commitment and interest. If you’re motivated to do something, you’ll take it up only when the circumstances allow it. If you’re committed to something, you don’t accept any excuses. You only want to see the outcomes.
- Make sure you keep your word as a man. Your word is the only thing you have that nobody can ever steal from you.
- If you think it’s not right, avoid doing it. If it’s false, do not speak about it. Always remain a man of your word. It’s the pillar of honesty and character.
- A man who is trustworthy walks with confidence, but the one who walks in the wrong direction is likely to be caught.
- Being a man of your word means adhering to your moral principles even when it’s difficult.
- Being a man in your words is about consistency throughout your life. Integrity is the way you conduct yourself, even when nobody is watching. Your actions speak louder than your words.
- Integrity isn’t a conditional word. It doesn’t change with the wind or change with the weather. It’s the image you have of yourself. If you gaze into yourself and you see a man who doesn’t cheat, then you’ll know that you can trust him never to cheat.
Read More: Impostor Syndrome: What It Is and How To Overcome It
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Read More: The Daily Habits of Highly Successful People
- One should never stray from his word. It can make him look weak, and you wouldn’t wish to look vulnerable when you deal with your adversaries.
- It’s better not to speak using words rather than to have an insignificant word.
- An honest person is one who is held responsible for the standards he sets for himself, even when nobody else is paying attention.
- A person is only as good as what he promises to be. Don’t make promises you can’t keep. Anyone who keeps their word is one to be admired. As you require bathing every day to keep your body healthy, you need an everyday dose of motivation to stay on track towards your objectives.
The above quotes will help you do a great job of keeping your thoughts in the right direction.
People pay attention when someone else takes the initiative and gives generously, especially because he has promised to, that is how you not only create a stronger community, but you also become a man of your word.
Keep the Gentleman’s Agreement because your word is your bond. Do Better, Be Better.