Glow-Up Checklist: Easy Ways To Improve Your Appearance And Mindset

Welcome to the journey toward a holistic glow-up! This transformational experience encompasses more than just physical appearance.; it also includes inner work, personal growth, and self-care. When you nourish your mind, body, and soul, you will radiate beauty and confidence.

This guide will cover a variety of aspects that make up a healthy makeover; from mindfulness and boundaries to healthy eating habits, this guide will examine them all. These areas are the foundation of a healthy, balanced, and fulfilling life.

Let’s embark on this journey of self-discovery, transformation, and glow-up like never before!

What is a Glow-up?

To achieve your best self, you need to improve yourself both mentally and physically; it is the ultimate transformation in mind, body, and nutrition. A healthy attitude and healthy habits can make anyone glow.

A glow-up can be defined as a “mental and physical transformation that is for the better.” Glow-ups can either be natural or planned. “As well as being permanent and gradual, or fast and temporary,” as defined by Urban Dictionary.

Many people focus on the physical aspect and think of a glow-up as a makeover, but I was intrigued by the mental and emotional aspects and thought it was something I could get behind.

There is always room for improvement, especially when it comes to our mental and emotional health; these are also factors that affect our mental state.

You will notice improvements in many areas of life once you learn how to shine mentally; I’m referring to your productivity, relationships, and mindset.

What is a Glow-up Checklist?

A glow-up checklist is a list of activities and habits to follow to achieve a glowing appearance; this will improve your lifestyle and transform you from the inside to look and feel great.

It doesn’t need to be crazy! You don’t have to do everything on the glow-up checklist.

Benefits of using a Glow-up Checklist

The glow-up checklist will help you in many ways, including giving you some direction on where to begin with self-improvement or self-care.

  • Feel stronger, healthier, and more energetic.
  • Feel more confident
  • Enhance your overall health.
  • Learn self-care activities that are effective for you.
  • Change your mindset for your growth.
  • Develop new, healthy habits.
  • Enjoy your life!
  • Improve your energy
  • Your goals are within reach.
  • Get a healthier lifestyle.
  • Increase your self-love

How to make a Glow-up Checklist that works

You can only make the glow-up checklist as good as your efforts, so you need to be consistent, and realistic expectations are key.

As I said at the beginning, it is helpful to implement glow-up habits daily or every other day for 30 days to see what works. Some habits will work for everyone, while others can be skipped; the best way to develop a glowing routine is to use the glow-up checklist as a trial run for 30 days with the intent to identify and navigate good habits that you wish to maintain.

How to Glow-up: Physical glow

Create morning and evening routines

Establishing mindful morning and evening routines will help you to maintain harmony and balance throughout the day. Self-care and relaxation are essential for your well-being, and they can also cultivate an inner glow.

The blue light from devices such as computers, smartphones, tablets, and TVs can disrupt your body’s sleep-wake cycle, making it hard to fall asleep. Reduced exposure to blue light at night can help improve sleep and give you a more energetic mood.

Andrew Huberman is a neurobiologist and an ophthalmologist at Stanford University; his credentials are impressive, and he has made important contributions to the field of brain plasticity, neurodegeneration, and brain development. His morning routine is rooted in neuroscience, which is why it’s based on what our mental, physical, and spiritual bodies require to flourish.

As citizens of today’s world, we often take for granted how amazing it is that all our bodies work in synergy to ensure that we are alive. The morning routine can help control the autonomic nervous system to reduce anxiety and lead to better focus and memory retention. In essence, it can make the distinction between having a miserable day and a productive day.

Continue Reading: Andrew Huberman’s Daily Morning Routine: Explained

Drink more water

You’ve heard it a thousand times, but we could all benefit from drinking more than we do. It is essential to stay hydrated for your physical health, so make sure you drink plenty of water.

Create a workout routine

It may seem like a lot of work to start a workout, but you don’t need to do it for long. Find something that you like, such as a morning stretch and walk or strength-building from YouTube videos or fitness toptoon.

Include more healthy foods in your diet

Do not limit yourself by eating only foods that you enjoy; add more options to your diet, and you will be able to try a wider range of foods. It is possible to have a balanced lifestyle and still maintain a healthy diet.

Regularly clean and organize your space

It is worth your time to be more disciplined about cleaning.

You can feel overwhelmed if your home is always cluttered, so set up a cleaning schedule you can follow. What works for you? If cleaning your bedroom every single day is too much, then you can have a routine.

Find movement you actually enjoy

In reference to my previous point, you should choose a movement that you like; if you don’t enjoy it, you won’t stick with any exercise, from walking to running to dancing.

Create a skincare routine

A skincare routine is a good way to glow up, create one, and follow through.

  • Body lotion
  • Sunscreen
  • Moisturizer

Find your style

It’s refreshing to know what you like when it comes to fashion. 

Pinterest and fashion blogs are great sources of inspiration to find your style.

Find your go-to makeup look

Find what you enjoy, and don’t worry about the latest trends; after a few attempts, you will develop your own makeup style.

Have a signature perfume scent

Having a signature perfume scent that feels so “you!” is another step toward having the put-together glow-up routine. 

Get good sleep

It would help a whole lot if you got enough quality sleep; it is important to get at least seven hours of sleep every night, and this may mean that you have to go to bed earlier.

You can ensure that you get the sleep needed to boost your brain power by incorporating a relaxing winddown ritual, which includes a meditation for sleep.

Pamper yourself every now and then

It’s not necessary to spend a lot of money to look good; you can pamper yourself with a trip to the salon or getting your nails done.

How to Glow-up: Mental glow

Start every morning with a 5-minute meditation

If you’ve never meditated before, you can start by focusing on your breath, saying positive affirmations, praying, or practicing mindfulness.

Five minutes to clear your head, connect with yourself, and decide how you want to begin your day are all it takes to create a positive morning.

Journal your thoughts – Write down what your ideal life is

It’s not complicated and time-consuming; it’s easier for me to simply write down all my thoughts and structure my day in that flow.

One of the most helpful journal exercises that I have done was to sit down and think about my ideal life; it helps you to identify your vision of life and then guide the goals that you set.

I pondered on what I wished my life to be like in terms of career, home, relationships, spirituality, and mental health, and then, I let my thoughts flow onto the paper.

Then, I have a good idea of what goals I need to set for each area in order to achieve the ideals I want out of my life.

Do you ever have those nights when your mind is too busy to sleep? This is a great time to get all your thoughts out of your mind and onto paper. It doesn’t have to take more than 10 minutes.

Have you stopped to consider the importance of your thoughts and emotions? It can be difficult to understand them; however, what if finding this understanding could be as easy as a pencil and paper? This is what makes self-therapy journaling a method that allows you to investigate the world around you, comprehend it, and change your life by writing.

Journals are a chance to reconnect with yourself and discover difficult emotions.

Many people write journals throughout their teens, whether by choice or as a result of an assignment at school. Maybe it’s been a while since you’ve thought of using a pen and paper to share your thoughts and desires. Journaling is a great option for anyone at any age in life.

Retrospective and introspection of your everyday experiences, relationships, and personal values can help you become more aware of your feelings and thoughts; it could lead to more peace of mind.

Continue Reading: Writing Therapy: How To Write And Journal Therapeutically

Identify the goals and habits to take to achieve your ideal life

After a rough sketch of my ideal life, I wrote down the goals that would be associated with it.

Even more importantly, I also identified the habits required to achieve these goals; by combining habits with goals, you can put your plan into action. 

  • What do you want? 
  • How will you achieve it? 

To achieve a goal, you need to know how to work towards it consistently.

Let go of what no longer serves you

It can be difficult, but evaluating your life and letting go of what doesn’t serve you is a powerful way to change the course of your life and keep up the glow.

If you are aware that social media is a constant source of negativity for your self-image, then reduce the time you spend on it. You can even start by unfollowing those accounts that make you unhappy.

Read a personal development book for 30 minutes daily

There are many books that can help you improve your life and yourself. Even 30 minutes of reading a day can be a powerful tool for self-improvement. 

Invest in Yourself and your Personal Growth

Personal growth is a key component to achieving a holistic glow-up. You will enrich your life and boost your self-esteem and confidence by investing your time and energy in learning and improving yourself.

  • Read widely. Immerse yourself into books, articles, and podcasts to stimulate your mind and spark your curiosity.
  • Online courses are a great way to learn new skills, broaden your knowledge, and connect with like-minded people. You can learn new skills, expand your knowledge, and meet like-minded people.
  • Identify where you can improve and spend time building those skills. You can do this by pursuing a passion, learning a language, or practicing an instrument.

Investing in yourself is worth the time and effort; you won’t know until you try it, and if you don’t try it, you’ll never achieve the fullest potential of your life.

An investment in self-development pays the highest dividends. – Debasish Mridha

A lot of people go through the day in and out, repeating the same un-investing routine day in and day out; it’s like being a hamster on a spin wheel doing what is necessary to impress the bosses we work for and get our jobs completed so that we earn our weekly salary, but when we’re talking about ourselves we tend to place that on the lowest point on our list for one reason or the other.

While investing, generally speaking, may seem like a daunting task, investing in yourself may be one of the simplest to do, the cheapest, and the most satisfying benefits of your time. If you begin making small adjustments to your life today, you can create a higher return for your future. Once you’ve started investing in yourself, you’ll soon see that you are also impacting those in your life.

Continue Reading: Ways To Invest in Yourself And Build A Better Life

Get your schedule in check

If you’re having trouble managing your time and have a chaotic schedule, decluttering your mind will help.

It is essential to create a schedule that you can stick to.

Stick to or try out a new hobby

Hobbies can help us live a happier life; you can add joy to your life by adding one new hobby each year.

Explore your personal values

What are your values? James Clear, the author of Atomic Habits, has a great listing of core values. Take a look and see which ones you resonate with. Spend some time thinking:

  • What is most important to you?
  • What you need to succeed
  • What you can’t compromise on

Knowing your core values can give you direction in life and help you make decisions. 

Practice self-reflection

There are many benefits to self-reflection, including less anxiety, increased confidence, a more positive outlook, stronger relationships, and a better connection with your intuition. Try a self-reflection practice as part of your mental glow-up; use a journal and write down your answers to one or two self-reflection questions every morning or evening; this will help you to become more aware of yourself and develop a deeper connection.

Introspection, a process of self-awareness that involves contemplating and analyzing your behaviour and thoughts, is among the main characteristics that distinguish human beings from animals. We are naturally interested in our own lives. We replay our events and experiences in the desire to understand the person we are and what we’re like. How often do we set aside time to think about ourselves?

Introspection can also be defined as reflection, self-contemplation, and self-examination. It is the reflection of one’s own behaviour, thoughts, feelings, and emotions.

We must ask ourselves how often we have the time to reflect. For some of us, we don’t do it often. We only glance in the mirror if we’re forced to. We prefer to look elsewhere to discover the source of our anxiety, our tension, or our issues. It’s much easier to blame someone else or circumstances other than to look at our part in the problem and take responsibility for our choices.

Continue Reading: The Importance Of Introspection: Tips To Increase Self-Awareness

Say “No”

When you set boundaries, you decide what and who will be allowed into your life; you also decide to what extent. 

Saying no to people who drain you or make you feel bad may be necessary; you may need to say no to taking on more social obligations.

Set boundaries to show yourself love and take care of your well-being; you need both if you want to know how to shine mentally.

There’s power in the simple act of saying no; however, for many of us, it’s the most difficult word to use.

It’s a fact that you will never achieve your goals if you have too many obligations. You over-stretch yourself, and you won’t achieve anything, or at the very least in a timely manner, if you say “Yes” to every request. This is why being able to say “No” is an effective way to increase productivity.

The biggest hurdle in saying “No” is that we fear we’ll be perceived as negative or ineffective. When we say “Yes,” it is believed to be brave and kind.

The simple decision to say “No” is powerful and is often an act of bravery.

To be productive, reduce stress, and avoid wasting time, it is essential to master the act of saying No, an art that many struggle with.

Continue Reading: The Power Of Saying “No” For A Less Stressful Life

Journal of gratitude

How often do you think about your gratitude? Journaling your gratitude on a regular basis will help you stay positive and keep track of the good things in life.

You can also identify your values in life by doing this; you may be grateful for your fitness and health. 

Practice mindfulness

You can benefit from mindfulness if you are a very future-focused person; we sometimes need to step back and focus on the present.

It can be as easy as noticing the extra value in your morning coffee or making an extra effort to be present with your family at night; meditation is another way to focus on your current senses.

Embrace Mindfulness and Self-Compassion

It’s easy to succumb to the pressure of perfectionism in the age of social networking; comparing our lives to others can cause feelings of inadequacy. We can counteract this by practicing mindfulness and self-compassion and allowing ourselves the freedom to embrace our unique journey and accept our imperfections while doing better and being better.

Read More: Why Am I So Unhappy?

Read More: Ways to Invest in Yourself and Build a Better Life

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How to Glow-up: Spiritual glow

Every day, pray and declare positive affirmations

Regular prayer helps and builds you up (glow-up); speaking positive affirmations can also be a powerful way to connect and elevate yourself. Make it a habit, make it your life, and blend it into your daily routine.

Be part of a spiritual group or church and family

You may feel lonely without like-minded friends. So, surround yourself with those who will be on your journey of spiritual growth. Making friends is always an added bonus.

Ask questions about things you’re conflicted about 

While it can be difficult to face our doubts, ignoring them will only lead you to feel confused. You can explore your answers, question your beliefs, learn, and grow. Every year, read at least one Christian book.

Reflect on where you’re at spiritually in a journal

Spirituality is often put on the back burner for some due to the demands of my work and adult life.

Consider where you are and what has been stopping you from focusing more on your spirituality. Consider what you know, how you have grown, and how much more you need to.

Read More: Download The Rhapsody Of Realities October PDF

Contact manifestation

It is important to visualize your goals, believe in them, and keep them in mind, declare manifestation. Glow-ups are characterized by a sense of confidence in oneself and your abilities.

You’ll be empowered to take action if you talk as if it has already happened or will happen; this is faith speaking with certainty.


This glow-up checklist can help you start your journey to a glowing transformation. It will not happen overnight, but the dedication and commitment you put into yourself is what matters most.

Be patient, persistent, and enjoy the growth.

You are not only changing your appearance, you’re sculpting yourself into a more powerful, radiant version of yourself, ready to take on the world with a renewed sense of power and beauty within. Grow Up and Glow-Up!