Who Is An Empathic Person?
Empaths are people who are acutely aware of others’ emotions and can even feel them. Empaths perceive the world differently from other people. They are very aware of other people’s emotions, pain points, and what they need. Sometimes, being an empath can seem overwhelming.
Although emotions can cause anxiety and moodiness, they can also lead to inward anxieties that can be a burden. However, all these feelings can be used to give you greater insight into your life.
Sometimes empathy comes with a price. It can cause emotional exhaustion and even depression.
What are The Different Types of Empathy?
In simple terms, Empathy is the capacity to place yourself in someone else’s shoes, to look at things from their point of view, and to comprehend their thoughts. In reality, there are different levels of Empathy.
Cognitive Empathy
- You can take the other person’s views into consideration even if you don’t have the same life beliefs, experiences, background, etc.
- You can imagine what their experience is like vividly and can understand their feelings.
Emotional Empathy
- You have a similar intimate experience(s) with someone else, and you deeply understand what they are feeling.
- Sometimes, you feel physically tense by the mishaps of others.
- You’re usually willing to assist those in need.
Affective Empathy
- You can recognize and respond to others’ emotions even when you do not agree with them.
Somatic Empathy
- You have visible physical reactions and symptoms that mimic what the other person is experiencing.

Signs That You Are An Empathic Person
You are an excellent listener and communicator
Highly empathic people are able to listen because they feel the need to understand and be in the other person’s shoes. To truly understand the struggles and triumphs of the other person, they need to be able to get most, if not all, of the details about the other person’s story. They pay attention to what is being said and also look for non-verbal cues. This means they can focus their attention on the present moment and remain engaged in the conversation. They are able to guide conversations with sincere compassion and can help even the most reserved person share their most difficult and painful thoughts and feelings.
Most cases are handled with unspoken trust and confidence. They provide solutions that are in the person’s best interest and not their own.
You can take on the emotions of other people as your own
You will pick up on the emotions of others around you, regardless of whether they seem to be expressing them. You may feel the emotion as if you were experiencing it or “absorbing” it.
It is still unclear how this works. We do know that empathy-rich people have active mirror neurons, which are the brain parts that can read emotional cues from others and figure out what they may be feeling or thinking. In other words, an empath can sense the emotions of others by noticing subtle changes in their expressions, body language, or tone of voice.
These same active mirror neurons also mean that you can experience the feeling like it is your own; this can be an amazing gift, but it can also be exhausting and overwhelming at times.
Your friends and family have referred to you as “the peacemaker.”
You will try your best to maintain peace and avoid negative energy. You are a good mediator because you can tune in to the emotions of others.
You find social situations draining
Highly empathetic people can find social situations draining. They’re especially draining for introverts, empaths, and sensitive people. When overstimulated, empathy can cause both positive and adverse emotions.
A deep sense of “knowing” is yours
Empaths possess a deep, unwavering sense of knowing and pinpoint accuracy in their descriptions.

They can read the minds of others and describe what is underneath the surface.
You care a lot about the “vibe” in a room
Empaths, perhaps unsurprisingly, are sensitive to the atmosphere and “feel” of their environment. They thrive when they are surrounded by peace and calm. Places of beauty, such as a peaceful garden or a beautiful bedroom, can also be transformative for empaths. An empath will also feel drained in a chaotic or depressing environment.
You may experience mood swings, which can be unpredictable and needy
The extreme highs and lows of empaths can cause them to be unpredictable. They can feel happy one minute and then feel sad or withdraw the next, which is often due to what they are absorbing from others; this can be depressing and confusing.
They will display neediness if they feel that they aren’t being heard.
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Television can make you completely paralyzed by violent or tragic events
Empaths can feel the pain and loss of an event even if it’s not happening to them. Even though you may be thousands of miles away, it can seem like you are “living through” the loss or pain, even if the event is fictional. Sometimes, this reaction can seem overwhelming.
Not setting clear boundaries
Because of their caring nature, empathic people struggle with setting boundaries in relationships. People set healthy boundaries to protect themselves from being hurt or negatively affected by the words and actions of others. Empaths have trouble drawing that line. They are sometimes unable to protect themselves against negative emotions and energies, leading to stress and overstimulation. While caring for others is a positive trait that speaks volumes about someone, if you cannot discern between right and wrong, you should remind yourself that all needs are important and valid.
Empathic abilities can be extremely powerful, but they can also feel overwhelming and stressful. The good news is that anyone can improve their ability to turn off the external energy bombardment by practising awareness. This keen sense of sensitivity is a gift that allows empaths to experience the world in a highly sensitive and skillful way.
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