Imagine closing your workday with a happy sigh, knowing you were so productive you completed everything on your to-do list. You also know that you were at your best creatively, getting your tasks done efficiently and well. Do you find yourself whimpering as you leave work?
Two reasons most people are not as productive as they would like: they have bad habits that hinder their workplace productivity, and they react rather than being proactive.
You may feel that you don’t have enough hours to do all you want; it is time to assess your time management skills.
Time management is something some people can do with ease, but everyone can improve their productivity and reach greater heights.
What is Productivity?
According to the dictionary, productivity is defined as:
“The quality, state, or fact of being able to generate, create, enhance, or bring forth goods and services: Everyone was surprised by the productivity of the group’s efforts.”

Productivity is simply a measure of efficiency. Productivity is a way to get the desired results with less effort and time. If you want to learn how to be productive, you need to know how to achieve your goals while still having enough time to do other essential things.
How to Improve Your Productivity
Are you looking to feel fulfilled and satisfied every day? We thought so, but many of us don’t find ourselves as productive as we would like. There are two main reasons for this.
- We are reactive, not proactive
- Bad habits can hinder our productivity.
This isn’t as hard as it seems. It is possible to change our bad habits and be proactive to ‘own’ each day.
There are many ways to increase productivity and add hours to your day.
Plan Ahead
Stress can result from a hectic workweek; we all know this.
You would feel more in charge of your daily life if you planned ahead, whether weekly, monthly, or daily. There are many benefits to planning ahead. You’ll be less worried about what might happen and spend more time enjoying the moment. Not to mention the reduced chances of missing meetings or forgetting to reply to emails. You’ll be more accountable if you have a plan that works.
You won’t feel productive if you don’t have a clear idea of what you need to do on a given day. If you plan your day ahead, even the night before, you will find that you get more done in less time, allowing you to have a better flow in your life, with useful work that adds value. Plan your days at least a night in advance to get the most from your day.
Realistic Goals
Many people go through life with a goal in mind. It’s not enough to set a direction for your life, but it is also about setting milestones that will satisfy you along the way.
Performance is affected by directing attention and effort, increasing persistence, and encouraging strategy development.
This shows us that setting goals early in life and working towards them will make our lives more satisfying and meaningful. It’s never too late to start.
This is why the SMART idea, which has a few variations, is the best way to set goals.
S: Specific, significant, and stretching
M: Measurable, meaningful, and motivational
A: Agreed upon, achievable and action-orientated.
R: Is realistic, relevant, and reasonable. It’s rewarding and results-orientated.
T: time-based, timely, tangible, trackable
Do your heavy lifting when you’re at your best
Focus your morning on yourself by meditating or exercising; this will give you the fuel to be productive. Do your most challenging tasks at your peak productivity time, whenever it is.
Regular breaks are important
Although it may sound counterintuitive, taking regular breaks can help you concentrate better. Research has shown that short breaks can help you maintain a consistent level of performance while performing long tasks.
You can set self-imposed deadlines
Although we tend to view stress as something bad, it can be beneficial for our focus and help us achieve our goals. Set a deadline and stick to it if you have projects or tasks.
It may surprise you to see how productive and focused you can be when your eyes are on the clock.
Follow the “two-minute rule.”
Steve Olenski, an entrepreneur, recommends the “two-minute rule” to maximize your work time. This is the idea: Immediately take action on a task that can be completed in two minutes or less. Olenski claims that completing a task immediately is more efficient than waiting to do it again later; this has made Olenski one of the most prominent content strategists online.
Stop multitasking
We often think that multitasking is a good skill that can increase efficiency. Studies show that switching tasks can reduce productivity by up to 40%.
Stop trying to do it all at once; Instead, focus your attention on one task at a given time to increase productivity.
Listen to Music that Boosts Productivity
Distractions should not be allowed, but music can sometimes help you focus.
Music can impact your happiness, well-being, learning, and cognitive function.
Scientifically, music has been shown to affect the brain profoundly.
A recent survey by AARP on music and brain health revealed some fascinating findings of music’s impact on cognitive and emotional well-being.
Continue Reading: The Effect of Music On the Brain
Find meaning in what you do (and love what you do)
It is the best way to increase productivity.
Don’t wait for perfection
Entrepreneurs can get caught up in trying to complete a task perfectly. But the truth is that not everything is always perfect. Instead of wasting your time trying to achieve this dream, get on with the job. It is better to finish the task and get it done. You can always go back later and make any necessary adjustments or improvements.
Do not be reactive, but be proactive
You may think you are doing an excellent job of putting out fires by allowing incoming calls and emails to dictate your day, but that might not be enough.
You should set aside some time to respond to emails. But don’t let these dictate how your day will look. Make a plan for each day and stick to it.
Read More: Building Self-Discipline
Read More: Motivation: Be Inspired to Do Anything
Read More: Stress: Causes, Signs and Symptoms, Management and Prevention.
To the best of our ability, minimize interruptions
Although it may seem like a small thing, having a colleague come into your office to chat might cause a shift in work patterns and a decrease in productivity. You can minimize interruptions by setting office hours, closing your doors, or working remotely for time-sensitive projects.
You don’t have to work longer hours or add more tasks to your already packed schedule if you want to improve your productivity at work; Instead, step back and consider how you can work smarter instead of harder.
Be Optimistic
Happy people are more productive.
Results from a Maastricht University study on optimism and performance in call center calls showed that optimists made more sales and received more bonuses. It was dispositional optimists that had tremendous success. According to the study authors, dispositional optimism believes that good outcomes will prevail over bad outcomes.
This is the best disposition to cultivate if you are not naturally optimistic.
Just Start
Sometimes, the hardest part is starting. People are prone to waiting until the perfect moment and conditions to begin, but you won’t always get that.
You will find a rhythm that can last hours once you start moving.
Get enough sleep
Sleep deprivation can have a negative impact on performance, as we all know. Sleep deprivation can affect our ability to concentrate, work memory, and mathematical capacity, as well as our logical reasoning. The pre-frontal cortex, which is especially vulnerable to sleep deprivation, will significantly impair complex thinking and analytical reasoning tasks. Surprisingly, it takes just one night of sleep loss to cause a big decline in our abilities. How much sleep do we need?
Reward yourself for completing a big task.
Reward yourself for being motivated in all you do.
Celebrate small victories and milestones, and keep track; this will encourage you if you start to struggle; you can look at your progress to see how far you have come.
Research shows that employees who exercise at midday are more productive and happier.
Take a walk during lunch or do some simple stretching during breaks to maximize your productivity.
Take care of your body. To be at your best and most productive, you must get enough sleep and exercise every day.
The rest of the information is probably already known to you.
- Eat a healthy diet.
- Get plenty of water.
- Get rid of bad habits like smoking and hanging out with toxic people.
- Be kind to yourself and others. Take time for yourself, and do whatever (healthy!) thing recharges you and refreshes you.
Your productivity will increase if you’re healthier. The more productive you are at work, the more you can spend your time however you want.