Have you ever thought about how you can make someone feel appreciated and loved?
It could sound dramatic, but you don’t have to be a world-class famous leader to make an impact on the lives of others; an act of appreciation and kindness can be used to accomplish the same goal.
This vital but often ignored aspect of interaction and communication is the basis of all satisfying personal or professional relationships.
Based on a study conducted by Grant and Gino (2010), an increase in productivity and motivation was seen among employees appreciated and praised by their bosses.
ReelNat will explore the world of gratitude and explain why this concept is of significant importance as it affects the person on the receiving end and how we can convey our gratitude in a variety of ways to make someone feel appreciated and loved.
What Is Appreciation?
Appreciation generally refers to the recognition, enjoyment, or understanding of the value, significance, or quality of something or someone. It involves acknowledging and showing gratitude for the positive aspects or qualities inherent in a person, object, situation, or concept. Appreciation can be expressed in various ways, including words of praise, acts of kindness, or simply taking the time to reflect on the positive aspects of a particular thing.
Understanding Appreciation
The human experience is affected by relationships, feelings, and emotions, like anger, love, and excitement. A subtle but potent kind of exchange between emotions and appreciation plays a crucial part in our daily lives, particularly in shaping human behavior and strengthening social bonds.
In a psychological sense, it is a social feeling based on the recognition and valuing of other people’s positive qualities or actions. It’s a way of acknowledging the generosity, kindness, or genuineness of others and the value these actions add to our lives. Appreciation comes from a feeling of gratitude but goes further than being grateful. It’s a deeper and more intimate feeling of gratitude and more than a sincere ‘thank you’ usually reflected in the exchange of gratitude and kindness.
In various contexts, appreciation could be defined in different ways:
Gratitude and Thankfulness
Appreciation often involves a sense of gratitude and thankfulness, recognizing and acknowledging the positive impact or contributions of someone or something in one’s life.
Value and Recognition
It could also mean being aware of the worth, value, or significance of the value of something. It could be in music, art or literary works, friendships, or any other field in which value is a subjective concept.
Increase in Value
In the financial world, appreciation is the increase of an asset as time passes. For instance, the appreciation of investment properties or real estate signifies an increase in the value of their market.
Understanding and Awareness
Appreciation could mean a deeper understanding and awareness of the subtleties, nuances, or beauty of a particular field or subject.
Acknowledgment of Effort
It could involve recognizing and acknowledging the determination or hard work a person has put into getting something.
In general, appreciation is an optimistic and often positive perception that concentrates on what is valuable and worthy of praise. It is a key factor in creating positive relationships, promoting an optimistic mindset, and fostering an overall sense of well-being.
The Importance of Appreciation
Appreciation plays a significant role in many aspects of our lives and is a major factor in personal well-being, good relationships, and overall harmony within society. Here are some key reasons why appreciation is important:
Improves Relations
Appreciating others strengthens relationships. In professional and personal situations, recognizing and respecting others builds trust, understanding, empathy, and a feeling of belonging.
Increases Motivation and Morale
If people feel valued, their motivation and morale improve. Recognizing achievements and accomplishments can motivate individuals to keep striving for excellence and help create an environment that is productive and positive.
Creates and builds a Positive Culture
In families, workplaces, and communities, A culture of appreciation creates a positive environment; this can result in improved communication, teamwork, and cooperation.
Fosters Gratitude
The practice of appreciation can lead to a sense of gratitude. Being grateful for the things one has and acknowledging that life is full of positive things help improve well-being in the mind and body.
Strengthens Emotional Bonds
Appreciation is an effective method of strengthening and building emotional bonds. It strengthens the bonds between people and creates a sense of belonging and a sense of support.
Encourages Personal Growth
When people are given appreciation and praise, it can encourage personal development. Knowing that your efforts are acknowledged and appreciated can encourage people to grow their abilities and skills.
Improves Mental Health
The habit of expressing and experiencing appreciation regularly has been proven to improve mental well-being. It helps reduce anxiety, stress, and feelings of isolation and improves overall well-being.
Enhances Job Satisfaction
In the workplace, employees who feel appreciated have a higher likelihood of being content at their jobs; this may lead to better retention rates, higher productivity, and an overall positive workplace culture.
Causes the Ripple Effect
Appreciation can have ripple effects. When a person expresses their gratitude or acknowledges the efforts of another in a way, it usually inspires others to show the same. This positive feedback loop can lead to a peaceful and supportive group or workplace.
Promotes Well-Being in Society
In a broader social context, a society of appreciation can help create greater compassion and understanding. Appreciating and acknowledging the diversity of contributions, efforts, and achievements of different groups and individuals can help foster harmony in society.
Builds Resilience
Appreciation can help people build resilience, enhancing their ability to face life’s challenges successfully. By focusing on good things in life, people can build a strong mental foundation to overcome challenges.
These are just a few advantages of appreciation. It could be thought of as an expression of gratitude, but it has the power to influence human behavior.
The more we understand and incorporate this knowledge in our everyday interactions, the more meaningful and memorable our interactions will be. It will take only a few seconds to make someone feel appreciated and valued, but it could alter their mood throughout the entire day.
Write a note of appreciation to someone today and observe how being thankful to others can enrich not only the lives of those around them but yours, too.

Ways to Make Someone Feel Appreciated
Below are a few suggestions to make people feel appreciated, valued, and heard.
These suggestions can assist you in spreading the joy and cheer to people you cherish.
You never know what someone needs to hear, but a genuine compliment will help bring joy to their lives and make them feel happier, so pick something that is comfortable for you!
Be Direct with Your Words
If you see someone doing great work, remember to praise them directly.
Certain people prefer to express their feelings indirectly, but this only diminishes their appreciation.
For example
If someone did good work, you’re not expressing appreciation; if you tell them, “Finally! It was taken care of,” it does not really feel like it, and if you mean that as an expression of gratitude, it does not hit the mark.
Let’s now compare it with this instance.
“That’s an amazing work you’ve done, Jeff. Good job!”
This is now much more intimate and gratifying than it did before.
Address Them by Their names
When you call the person by their name during the conversation, it’s more personal to them. You would’ve noticed when someone calls you by your name when greeting you, an unexplainable warmth is present.
- Hey John! How do you feel? How are you doing?
- How are you?
Which is better? Of course, the former. Right? This is a simple but incredible tip if you’re looking to show someone that you appreciate them.
If you are expressing gratitude, mention the name of the person; it will sound more appealing to them.
Bring the warmth to The Table
We can just use their first names and express direct praise. It’s that simple. Right? Naa! Wrong!
Although they are useful, they are tools that will only provide a limited amount of value; the most important aspect of the appreciation process is sincerity.
A lack of genuine feelings could result in a breach of trust; it is essential to express genuine appreciation to create an atmosphere of trust and respect.
How can we make ourselves appear sincere? That’s simple. Be yourself! If you’re having issues with this, try this 1-minute drill before you start; all will be in place.
- Remind yourself how things would be if this person hadn’t been there, provided the help, or done the work.
- Feel in your heart that you are so grateful today for them; this will make you feel in a position where you’d like to show them that you appreciate them.
- Go on and inform them of these two points, and you’ll be a winner!
Nod as They Talk
Conversation is a two-way process. Imagine that you’re talking with someone, and you continue in your conversation, but they aren’t interested in what you say and don’t respond in any manner. What would you think?
You’ll likely find it disrespectful and would immediately look to end the conversation.
Why? Because when we speak, we are looking for feedback or validation from a person in order to assess our own self-worth.
- To show someone that you care, the most basic option is to smile as they speak to show them that you’re listening.
- Ask them questions about the subject they’re currently discussing. They’ll appreciate your taking the time to listen to their thoughts.
Keep Eye Contact
Eyes are believed to be the windows to the soul; there is definitely something to that. If you’ve gone for a long time without looking around and not engaging in eye contact, it will appear as if you do not exist.
Eye contact with others provides us with a sense of belonging. Every self-development expert will mention the importance of eye contact in building relationships, and the same is true when you’re trying to make people feel valued.
- While you’re speaking with someone, give them all your focus. Be careful not to engage in any twitching or other distracting behaviors.
- Take the time to look the person in the eye while you speak and nod a few times so that they know that you’re attentive.
- It’s not the intention to look them in the face and increase the tension, but rather to let them know that you’re taking note of them. Keep your smile going and turn your eyes off from time to time to keep them from feeling uncomfortable.
Be Specific
What exactly are you grateful for? What exactly did the other person accomplish? The more precise that you can be, the more authentic you’ll be perceived to be. Being precise is the key to understanding how to express gratitude.
For instance, if your spouse is responsible for some additional chores around the home Don’t simply tell them, “Thanks for cleaning.” Instead, go to the next level by saying things like, “Thank you for doing all of THIS AND THAT (be specific)! You’ve been doing a lot. I appreciate you.”
This is why it’s beneficial to take a moment to pause and think about how the people around you have been a source of help recently. And then, share your deeply felt reflections with them. It’s a great gift!
Tell Them How They Helped You
Alongside revealing the specifics of what this person did, make sure to tell how it helped you! This way, you’ll understand the reasons why what they did was important.
Let’s say that you’re writing a thank you note to financial gifts. It’s better to say more than “Thank you for the gift.” Then, expand on this a little and tell them what you have used it for, such as: “Thank you so much for the generous gift. I used the money to pay for THIS and get THAT; thank you for helping me ease and offset these bills.”
Instead of simply thanking your coworker for noting notes during that last conference, provide them with some more information on how they helped you.
Make it Personal
Say something kind about the other person and the character traits or qualities they have. Make them feel special, such as, “You’re so good at content writing; I love reading your work, or You are so good at proofreading; you are doing so much for me, taking a lot of this workload off my hands, I’m incredibly impressed by this about you, Thank you.”
ReelNat is not trying to say you should make this about you, but compliments reflect a lot on the person who is giving them. Confident people compliment people! And, when you search for the good and call it out to other people, the joy it brings you will instantly boost your mood.
When you’re giving thanks to someone, take your phone down! Make sure you are present and pay them a compliment.
Thank them out of The Blue
Who doesn’t enjoy receiving an unintentional thank you? If you’re trying to figure out how to show your appreciation, there’s something special about it when someone else isn’t expecting it; that is even more meaningful; it shows thoughtfulness.
If you know someone in your life who hasn’t been praised recently or who does not expect to be contacted in this way, do something to take the initiative and make their day more enjoyable. You can take your phone and contact a former teacher or invite a former boss to lunch and explain in person what a difference they’ve made in your life.
If you’re looking to go above and beyond, then you can try an old-fashioned method of sending an original handwritten note; it will actually make the other person feel very special. Nothing can say “I love you” as much as a personal note, and everyone enjoys feeling loved.
Even if someone didn’t do anything for you personally, you could still let them know that you value them and thank them for being who they are.
Thoughtfulness is one of the positive human characteristics. It helps us strengthen relationships and live more deeply with other people. Although it is true that being considerate is rooted in doing something to help others, it has the enthralling benefit of being extremely good for our health, too.
Are you a thoughtful individual?
The majority of people believe that thoughtfulness is a virtue and will consider it an honor to be thought of as thoughtful.
Do you actively seek to be mindful? Are you aware of the characteristics of a thoughtful person and what you can do to be more mindful in your everyday life?
Continue Reading: How To Become a More Thoughtful Person and Why It’s So Important
Hug Them
Hugs will never ever go out of fashion. A warm hug will tell someone a lot about your feelings.
When you hug someone properly hug them for a long period, you share a moment of special connection.
It says, “You matter deeply to me, and I value you and everything you are.”
Give them something
When ReelNat says “give,” we don’t necessarily mean expensive or fancy-looking things. You can leave a cup of coffee at someone’s desk and write something encouraging, or even put an assortment of stickers inside your children’s lunchboxes. Make it fun! Your appreciation doesn’t need to cost you a lot of money.
There are plenty of ways to help others without money, such as volunteering your time or talents. You can offer to take care of a baby and give the mom a chance to go on a date evening or time to get some rest. You could relax and be a good friend to someone who wants to vent.
Give a listening ear
Sometimes, just listening can be enough. If you know someone who is having a tough moment, just listen to them; it can have a big impact on their mood.
Contact them and let them know that you’re willing to listen when they need to vent or grieve. Visit them frequently when they’re in the area and let them spill out their frustrations to you.
If they’re not having an emotional time, try listening to them anyway! Engaging in the life of a loved one is a wonderful way to show that you care, and being attentive to what happens to them is a crucial element of the process.
Show an interest
This can be done in conjunction with taking note of what’s going on, but you elevate it to a different level by responding to what’s being said; it shows that you’re interested in the subject and take an interest in what they say.
Being surrounded by people who are interested in your activities can make you feel unique, and having an individual to discuss your stories with constantly makes you feel appreciated, valued, and taken care of.
Discuss their most recent interest, the club they’ve been a part of or their current job. Discuss the negative issues, too. They’ll require someone to discuss it with, and it’s a method to demonstrate that you’re there to help them.
There are people who avoid discussing negative issues because they fear it will cause others to turn away. If you show that you’re involved in all aspects of their lives, you’ll let them know how important they are to you.
Follow up
Spending time with the people you love is a good starting point, but it’s nice to go the extra step and follow it up.
Small things can be the most significant, which is why you must take note of the things that are happening in the lives of your loved ones.
Make a note in your diary for the time before the day your friend starts the new job. Knowing that you are genuinely interested enough to remember and then send them a message to pray for them can make them feel very appreciated.
Believe in them
Seeing someone display or affirm their faith in the things you believe in can boost a person’s confidence.
When you make it clear you believe in someone, you can give them the incentive to believe in themselves even more, which will make them feel truly special.
Be their cheerleader when they tackle something that could cause anxiety. Are they preparing to begin a new job or career part? Give them a good luck card and write an email letting them know how they’ll smash it.
Buy them accessories for their desk or to wear as part of their work attire (think an attractive hair clip or tie) to let them know that you’re taking care of them.
Support Their Goals and Dreams
If a person we care about has aspirations, goals, or dreams, we can help them reach their goals. We could be their primary advocate and inspire them to go beyond their comfort zones to reach what they desire to achieve in their lives.
They may want confirmation that it’s a smart choice, and while you shouldn’t lie and claim that the decision is free from risk, you should remind them that almost everything is a bit of risk and that they’ll regret not taking that risk.
It could even mean offering them additional assistance, for example, helping them financially (in the case of a spouse or a close family member) as they get established and operational.
Celebrate Their Successes
It’s wonderful to accomplish the goal you’ve been working towards. It’s even more satisfying to have someone to celebrate your achievement with you when you accomplish the thing you’ve always wanted to do.
Success usually comes after a long effort. You could make them feel great about themselves by reminding them of the effort they put into getting to where they are.
Plus, the decision to celebrate their success with them will show them that their achievement is important to you significantly.
Brag About Them to Someone Else
You can give them a shout-out at your next meeting, inform your boss that they did outstanding work on a task, or remind your kids of the hard work your spouse puts in each day.
Remember that not everyone likes being called out in front of a group (even for something good), so consider personality when deciding how to make someone feel appreciated.
Open Up to Them
People don’t open up to just anyone. They only open up to people whom they trust and feel close to. By letting people in and showing them your real vulnerability and your true self, you demonstrate your trust and intimacy with the person.
You are letting them know that you and they share a significant and important connection that goes beyond just acquaintances.
Ask Them for Their Help/Opinions
People are drawn to feeling useful; it’s normal to want to assist others because it brings meaning and helps to build connections.
So, if you’re trying to make someone feel valued, you can lean on them whenever you need advice or assistance.
Get their opinions about something; ask them to help you with something you need help with. You can ask them to assume certain responsibilities if you have many things to do.
In most cases, when you request someone to take the initiative and show their best, you will find them willing to. You and the person will feel happy, especially when positive outcomes result from your cooperation.
Trust Them With The Truth
There are times when people won’t be honest, particularly with those whom they’re not close to. Sometimes, it’s due to the politeness for others, and other times, it’s because they don’t feel the need to be in tension with someone whose presence in their lives they don’t appreciate that much.
So, if you decide to be totally open with someone and trust them with the truth (even if the truth may be an opinion), you are showing that person you trust enough and value the person enough.
Since sometimes, the truth isn’t always so pleasing to hear, particularly from someone we cherish. The truth can cause hurt, even when it’s done with the best intentions.
It is not enough to say you have good intentions. I have always known this, but I didn’t learn it until recently; it is not enough to say you have good intentions, and this reminded me of something I read, “The road to hell is paved with good intentions.”
Continue Reading: The Road to Hell Is Paved with Good Intentions – Means What Exactly?
Although it could be a temporary source of ill-feeling, the majority of people will probably have a stronger connection with people they are honest with.
There are no lingering feelings, agendas, or snooping behind the backs of others because everything is done with respect and trust.
Respect for each other is reciprocal; if you’re willing to give them the truth, they will also be sincere with you.
You’ll be able to express diverse opinions on a subject and then discuss your differences respectfully.
You’ll realize that you’ve got each other’s backs and point to self-defeating behavior whenever you observe it.
That’s a level that shows trust and integrity that you can’t attain with everyone else in your life, only the selected few.
Speak it out clearly and loudly: “You are appreciated.”
Sometimes, closing a message of appreciation with a simple statement such as, “I really appreciate you” or “I really appreciate all of your efforts” is more powerful than “thank you.
It is impossible to know what kind of lasting impression your words can have on people. According to the Scripture:
Gracious words are like honeycombs that is sweet to the heart and healing for bones.
Proverbs 16:24 NIV
What a wonderful thought you have to think that the words you say in gratitude can have that kind of an impact.
If you’re looking to show your thanks, resist your temptation to simply say “thanks” at random times with the excitement of the zombie. Instead, spend the time to thank the person in the best manner you can.
Be consistent
Anyone can put in the effort for a couple of days or weeks. True love requires staying consistent, so make an effort to maintain your friendship or relationship as solid as possible.
Being a trustworthy partner or friend isn’t only about listening, even though it’s important, but it’s about trust.
One of the most effective methods to show someone how much you are a fan of them is by being active in their lives. Knowing that they can turn to you at any time will make them feel appreciated, loved, and valued.
Read More: How To Become a More Thoughtful Person and Why It’s So Important
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You can appreciate how gratitude is a simple but powerful tool that can turn into the foundation for personal and interpersonal development. It is our collective obligation to foster this culture of showing gratitude in our offices, in our homes, and in our social interactions. The effect of these seemingly minor actions of compassion is astounding in the transformation of our environment to a more positive, healthy, and flourishing ecosystem.
Remember, you must be sincere when you express your appreciation; a genuine and sincere “thank you” can go a long way.
Let us adopt this universal language of gratitude that does more than lift people around us but also paves the way to a compassionate society.