Did you ever make a decision only to realize that you could have been more objective but less emotional?
People experience it all the time, and This is usually due to the fact that they lack decision parameters.
They don’t have any systems of thought that allow them to use objective reasoning.
This is important because it’s not something you can do on autopilot.
However, subjective reasoning and emotional reasoning are not bad. Objective reasoning isn’t some sort of superhuman force fighting the dark forces of subjectivity.
We are denying ourselves important opportunities by allowing our subjective experiences and opinions to be considered in the context of objective reality.
Contextual power: We want to be able to fully understand the context before we make critical decisions.
What is Objective Reasoning?
We need to consider standards for thinking when defining objectivity. We want our definition to include the following:
- Logic
- Balance and impartiality
- Practical matters
- Theoretical questions
- Time for deliberation
- Psychological biases that can interfere with objectivity
An objective statement is one that presents facts about something in an impartial and balanced manner. The speaker’s past experiences, prejudices, and perceptions do not influence the information.
The information is fact-based and can be observable, quantifiable, and proven. It is easy to count, describe and imitate. It is truthful and free of individual influences. This makes it useful in rational decision-making.
Objective reasoning is a balance of multiple elements, including logic and data, as well as awareness of cognitive biases.
Objective reason, in a phrase, is a mental thought that requires logical consideration of a topic or situation that is informed by the possibility of distortion from subjective bias.
People who use objective reasoning, for example, will be:
- Highly self-aware and aware of their thoughts.
- Aware of the many tools available for analysis.
- Informed about the role of science in making decisions.
- Willingness to spend time researching and deliberating

What is Subjective Reasoning?
Subjective refers to ideas and statements that are dominated or influenced by personal opinions, feelings, or preferences. It is a subjective interpretation of truth or reality from the speaker’s viewpoint. It informs and affects the judgment of others and is always biased. It could be an opinion, belief, rumor, or assumption influenced by the speaker’s perspective.
There is no universal truth.
Subjective reasoning is a way of avoiding or not knowing about the importance of objective tools, theories, and the need to have scientific data.
Data is an essential part of learning and reaching reasonable conclusions.
They rely on their own opinions, experiences, and tastes instead. If they are open to thinking outside their context, they may refer to only people they know.
They might say, for example, “I don’t know anyone who has experienced this,” and let that personal data influence their decisions.
On the other hand, an objective reasoner will say, “Although we don’t know anyone with this experience, I’ll do some research so I can increase my knowledge.”
This type of reasoning is objective, as it relies on external information and not just the individual’s personal experience.
Is Objective Reasoning even possible?
Good question. Yes, is the answer.
We must also realize that science and data are embedded in human brains, and This means that everyone experiences everything subjectively.
However, this does not mean we cannot use objective reasoning to find facts regardless of our subjective experiences.
It is enough to recognize that all of us have cognitive biases. They are essential for survival.
Daniel Khaneman, in modern times, has demonstrated many ways to avoid traps and be objective when necessary.
How to be Objective in your decisions
Let’s now look at some ways to use objective reasoning to make better decisions.
Continue to Learn About the Differences between Objective and Subjective Reasoning
Below are some points that discuss the fundamental differences between objective and subjective reasoning.
- An objective statement is one that is true, real, balanced, and unambiguous. Subjective refers to something that does not reveal the whole picture or is simply a person’s view or expression of an opinion.
- A factual statement is one that is based only on facts and observations. On the other hand, a subjective statement is based on beliefs and influenced by emotions or personal feelings.
- Objective information can be proven, measured, and observed. Subjective information, on the other hand, is subjective and is based on the subject. The person who made it.
- If a piece is objective, it doesn’t matter who reports it. On the other hand, a subjective statement can differ from one person to another.
- An objective decision-making statement is more appropriate than a subjective one.
- The objective statement can be found in textbooks, hard science, and encyclopedias. However, blogs, biographies, comments, and social media posts will use subjective statements.
While it’s great to be able to learn about things, that doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll fully understand them or remember their key points.
You will reap the benefits of developing objectivity that will serve you well throughout your life.
Practice Objective Reasoning often
Practice is the key to making well-informed decisions.
One of the best things about objective reasoning tools is their ability to be used almost anywhere.
There are a few elements to practice:
- Analyze your thinking processes on an ongoing basis
- Learn to recognize and distinguish your subjective reasoning impulses.
- Before making any decisions, create distance and delay between your subjective ideas.
- Analyzing your subjectivity
- Perform the necessary deliberation or research.
- You can stress-test your conclusions by visualizing different outcomes.
Although this may seem like a lot, in most cases, the process takes only a few minutes.
In fact, in earlier times of history, people used a mental tool called Ars Combinatoria to aid them with critical decision-making.
Use writing
Writing is an important tool for reasoning.
According to some, the pen is stronger than the sword. It helps us think better.
Writing can be used in many ways to assist you in making objective decisions. For example, you can:
- Consider the pros and cons of each decision.
- Create a to-do list of people you can consult
- You can brainstorm some research resources that you could use to help your search.
- After making a decision, you can mind map possible outcomes.
- Send an email to yourself with a copy of your thoughts.
Talk Frequently with a Variety of People
Many people believe that you are the average of your five closest friends.
Although I believe there is some truth to the statement, I would not rely on it.
Instead, you should try to engage in conversation with as many people as possible from all walks of life and ages.
Regular conversation with people from all walks and backgrounds stimulates reasoning.
This is crucial because it will allow you to build your perspective pool based on real-life experience.
You’ll be exposed to a lot of different experiences, and you’ll have a better idea of what is best for you. You’ll also be able to make better decisions about which types of decisions you should avoid.
Talk to Yourself
Eckhart Tolle does an excellent job of showing how we drive ourselves insane through inner dialogue in The Power of Now.
But that doesn’t necessarily mean that all dialogue is bad.
Writing and speaking with people can help you gain objective perspectives. However, it is also possible to benefit from your inner monologue.
Focused questions lead to better decisions.
Personally, I like to ask lots of “if?” questions. Take this example:
- What will I gain if I take this decision?
- What will I lose if I make this wrong decision?
Asking questions can help you understand how you behave in a given situation. You might ask:
- Do I make this decision to win?
- Do I make this decision to avoid losing?
This can sometimes help you see that you are trying to avoid a loss but that it is minimal compared to the potential gains.
You won’t know if you don’t ask these questions.
Schedule Critical Thinking Sessions
You must practice if you want to be able to use objective reasoning to make better decisions.
Don’t wait to put your skills to good use.
You have the chance to take a moment to write down your decisions and reflect on them every day.
A journal can be used to help you make better decisions.
Read More: How Cognitive Biases Influence How You Think And Act
Read More: Do Not Let Your Emotions Cloud Your Judgement
Read More: Control Your Mind ~ Control Your Life
Get Clarity around Your Motives and Intentions
We all have heard the phrase “Know your Why”
Is “knowing your Why” as important as people think?
Let me explain:
Is it enough to have one “Why”?
You should have at least five reasons to make a serious decision.
You can also try this alternative reasoning exercise.
You should list at least two reasons why not. This will help you avoid making bad decisions.
Create Benchmarks
Once you know your “why”, it’s time to set benchmarks, it is important to establish benchmarks.
These milestones are important in achieving your goal. Because many goals are difficult to achieve, they need to be broken down into smaller tasks.
Benchmarks can also be used to help you make better decisions. It’s a good idea to plan in regular review periods so you can adjust or add to a process as needed.
Make Metrics for Measurement
You’ll need a way to know if you succeeded or failed as you make decisions and implement them.
Although it is often said that you cannot manage what you don’t measure, I believe we must go further.
It is vital to measure the results to find clues to help you make more progress in your future.
Reexamine Your Assumptions Every Now and Again
Again, objectivity can only be experienced from your subjective mind.
This means that your objectivity could still become stale or corrupted even if you think you are objective.
A regular rereading strategy is a great way to stay sharp.
As we age, our thinking also changes. Therefore, it makes sense to revisit your thought process and, ideally, go back to the sources that shaped it.
The world is constantly changing.
You might now be able to see the nuance involved with developing reasoning skills that last a lifetime.
The good news is that it’s easy to remember everything.
The objective information at the end of the discussion is the one that produces all the truth. It presents the story from every angle in a systematic manner. This is a fact that has been proven to be true. However, subjective information can be influenced by the personality of the person who provides it. It is an interpretation or analysis that gives meaning to the facts.
Subjective reasoning plays a major role in our lives because of environment. A child so was born in Nigeria, lived in Nigeria all his/her life would argue subjectively that snow is a myth, because he has not seen nor heard about whitish substance that fall in place of rain and is cold in nature. In one hand he/she may be right and in the other hand, wrong. He is right because he is talking out of experience and would always want to defend what he has seen with his own eyes, but the truth is that at the end of the day, having an open mind to learn, unlearn and relearn is still an important virtue to cultivate because inasmuch as we are compelled to believe what we see, fact and logic will always have its place. In the end, subjective reasoning should go hand-in-hand with objective reasoning. Thanks for this piece.