Audacity is NOT the same thing as pride.
The proud man ascribes praise to himself.
His lofty words are to describe his own excellence.
His attention is on himself.
Nebuchadnezzar was proud and ascribed the glory of Babylon to his own might and wisdom; this is something we believers need to be careful not to ascribe to themselves what God did not ascribe to the believer.
Tread cautiously.
I have often heard my pastor make reference to a conversation between him and his friend a long time ago. He quotes his friend as saying, Let us be careful not to ascribe to the new creation what God did not ascribe to him. I hope I quoted it right.
That counsel is as golden as the day it was spoken, as it is today, that I am making reference to it. As we tread the grounds of new creation realities, we must be careful not to veer into idolatry, which is basically self-adulation and worship. Many have gone down this path but it never ends well.
Read More: Be Careful Not To Ascribe To The New Creation What God Did Not Ascribe To Him
Herod was proud; he revelled in the praise of men when they called him a god.
Pride is evil! It destroys!

An audacious man, on the other hand.
Stands firmly in whom God has made him to be and what God has called him to do.
He speaks like one who is of God.
He doesn’t brag about himself, but he brags about the mighty hand of God that is resting upon his life.
Men may confuse audacity with pride, but they are miles apart.
Audacious men are often the meekest men you would find.
Moses was audacious, stood boldly in the power of His call, and took on Pharaoh and his gods. Yet, scriptures describe him as the meekest man on the earth in his day.
Elijah was audacious, stood boldly as a prophet of God, and took on Ahab, Jezebel, Baal, and his prophets.
Yet before God, Elijah was meek. I am not better than my fathers, he said.
Audacity is to stand as a child of God, as a Man of God, and to brag on God!
You stand without apology. You speak with fierce boldness.
God can do nothing with a proud man.
Interestingly, God can also do nothing with a man who is NOT audacious.
God called you!
Anointed you!
Mandated you!
Sent you!
But you talk with a shaky voice. You crow like a cock, when you should roar like a lion.
What use does God have for that? What use?
Without audacity, all that God has put in you will die. All the hands laid. All the prophecies. All the visions. ALL WILL DIE.
Read Also: Don’t Interpret Your Meaning Into Scriptures For Your Convenience
Read Also: What Does It Mean To Blaspheme Against The Holy Spirit?
Read Also: The Growth Of The Believer Should Not Be Built On Pretense
Without audacity, we limit the flow of the divine.
God loves audacious men!
Refuse pride!
But be audacious!
Credit: Pastor Popoola Oluwatobi