That the holy scriptures did not attempt to hide/cover up the occasional misdeeds of the patriarchs is in itself doctrine to us. The doctrine is NOT that we should indulge in misdeeds (lol), but rather to show us the disposition of God toward us.
While Abraham is attested to as the father of faith, the scriptures yet record his moments of doubt. God isn’t looking for people who would wear make-up, putting on a show of perfection. He loves honesty, sincerity, progress, and growth. It only becomes an issue when we are stuck and refuse to make progress.

The Issue With Many Christians?
They want picture-perfect Christians and that’s why hypocrites are increasing everywhere. We don’t ALLOW people to grow; we want them to pretend that they are mature. Sadly, many Christians have perfected the art and do it well. For others who can’t keep up, they get frustrated with living double lives and just “free” themselves. They backslide, but did they really backslide? Nah, they just “Real”-slide. That’s who they’ve always been, but because you wanted a drama, they gave you what you wanted. It’s actually shame on you!
Imagine, for instance, that a fellow church member tells you, do you know I have issues with lust? I can hardly see a beautiful lady without thinking of bedding her, and you go, “What? After all these years? That’s quite a shame. After all the word you are hearing? You mean when you see sisters in the church, that’s what runs through your mind?” bla bla bla.
Well, thinkest thou that, that brother would tell thee anymore of his struggles as a Christian? Nay, verily verily I say unto thee, he shall pretend, and he shall be lost in his lust.
People who are weak pretend to be strong because if believers see them show signs of weakness, they’ll go: “Weren’t you in church when Pastor taught on walking in supernatural strength? Na wa o. You should have outgrown this nonsense.”
So yes, the person is being consumed badly, but he puts on a show of strength and courage, but when he’s back home, he cries his eyes out. He watches a movie instead of praying just to make himself happy. He tries to reconnect with old friends just to feel better, and gradually, he begins to lose himself. Shame on us!

People Shouldn’t Have To Pretend
“This person really, really hurt me. I’m finding it hard to forgive him.” The person knows that he has heard Like Father, Like Son, How to Get Away from Murder, Following Jesus, etc, before he told you that.
It’s usually a cry for help.
I know what the Word says I should do, but I’m finding it hard to do it. Help me.
That’s not the time to judge my growth. I need your HELP!
In my journey as a pastor, I’ve had people open up to me about deep struggles in their walk. I mean, things I have taught and taught about, and I’ve learned to always come down to the level of such folks. Yeah, I am not struggling with what you are struggling with, but I get that sometimes, this Christian walk can seem hard sometimes, if not very hard. It’s God that helps and strengthens us all. So, I help them from scratch, one step at a time. Till they have ease where they have struggled; that part of my job is far more thrilling for me, than standing before multitudes to preach.
Read Also: Double Standard Is No Standard At All
Read Also: Pursuing Truth In A Balanced Way By Kenneth E. Hagin
Read Also: Fidelity To Proper Bible Interpretation Isn’t An Option
So.. Learn from our Father.
Growing people can have occasional malfunctioning moments; it happens to the best of us; don’t create an atmosphere that encourages pretense. Let people be honest with you about their progress, then lend a helping hand:
Let’s pray together.
Let’s both listen to this teaching again together.
Let’s draw up action points together.
Let’s put this measure in place so that you don’t do this or that.
We are made for one another.
To love.
To help.
To hold.
We are to grow together, some will be slow, some will be fast, but we’ll leave no one behind. Amen!!!
Credit: Pastor Popoola Oluwatobi