Turn Inward Emotional Turbulence to Inner Peace

In our fast-paced society, it’s not unusual for people to go through an avalanche of emotions; they can appear like raging storms on the inside, which can lead to what we call “inward emotional turbulence.” As storms can be calmed, so can our internal emotional turmoil. In this article, ReelNat will explore practical ways to reach a peaceful emotional state, assisting you to manage your life with more comfort and peace. We all need to live mindfully and blissfully.

For a long time, I was consumed by inner emotional turbulence; I was always feeling emotionally overwhelmed and out of balance. Then, I began to become interested in the reasons; it turns out my inability to foot my bills was the primary cause. The process of learning emotional intelligence was a way for me to develop capabilities and achieve inner peace; when I learned the basics of EQ techniques, I could navigate and calm the emotional waves, develop an understanding of myself, replace my savage self-criticism with compassion, and find my inner joy. You can, too!

What is Inward Emotional Turbulence

Every person experiences intense emotions from time to time; this could be caused by burning out, stress, stresses of life, or even life-changing circumstances. These abrupt and drastic changes in mood can be uncomfortable and can leave you feeling irritable or exhausted. Typically, these unpredictable mood swings are a reaction to an event that can be resolved with euphoria and peace after a few minutes.

If you’re experiencing constant, abrupt mood swings or emotional upsets that are affecting your life negatively or causing those who are around you to be in distress, You may be suffering from emotional turbulence. While it’s not a disorder, emotional turmoil could be an indication that you’re trying to deal with a number of events or situations, and it is not something to be dismissed.

Emotional turbulence can be described as rapid changes in mood that can swing from joy to despair in very short intervals. Things like stress, trauma experiences, hormonal imbalances, or even everyday difficulties can cause this kind of turbulence.

It’s a condition of extreme inner turmoil and conflict within the individual’s emotional environment; the person might experience the sensation of fear and anger, anxiety and guilt, sadness, or even frustration. Each emotion could cause them to move in different directions, radically disrupting equilibrium and peace. It’s like having a chaotic storm where opposing thoughts, emotions, and desires clash and are fighting for attention. It’s as if one is caught in a sea of emotions, unable to find peace and calm amid the internal chaos.

It is treatable, and depression sufferers can recover by utilizing the appropriate treatment and intervention as recommended by mental health professionals; it is very important to be mindful of one’s emotions.

What Is Emotional Awareness?

Emotional awareness is the ability to notice.

It’s a state of heightened observation and awareness of an emotion within us and in others. The act of awareness is similar to holding up a mirror to your inner world and gently observing. This ability connects our emotional and cognitive processes, allowing us to understand our emotional state, process it, and then express emotions effectively and in a way that is adaptive.

Being aware of your emotions can enhance relationships with others and contribute to personal development and mental well-being; the ability to navigate the emotional landscape can result in improved decision-making skills, less anxiety, and overall strength.

In a time in which EQ is being recognized more and more as being just as vital as IQ, emotional awareness serves as the foundational pillar, helping us live a real, fulfilled, connected, and meaningful life.

As psychologist John Gottman, Ph.D., stated, “In the last decade or so, science has discovered a tremendous amount about the role emotions play in our lives. Researchers have found that even more than IQ, your emotional awareness and abilities to handle feelings will determine your success and happiness in all walks of life, including family relationships.”

What Are the Symptoms of Emotional Turbulence?

Emotional turmoil can manifest in a variety of ways. These may include:

  • Feeling calm or “ok” one minute but feeling overwhelmed or unsure the next.
  • Experiencing excessive feelings of anger, stress, or irritation toward certain people or situations.
  • Being emotionally vulnerable and sensitive all over.
  • Feeling “not in charge” of your life.
  • You’re worried about your emotions and how they could affect your family and friends or even your job.

What are the Causes of Emotional Turbulence?

The development of emotional turbulence may be a consequence of stressful or adverse circumstances that are paired with the person’s capacity to deal with and manage these situations.


The way a person lives could be a significant reason for the development of emotional instability. Stress-inducing jobs, a stressful work environment, and an overly busy schedule can cause someone to become emotionally unstable.


Having numerous responsibilities (whether they’re work, social, or familial) or people depending on you in some way can put a lot of pressure on a person and can lead to them feeling stressed and overwhelmed.


Every person has their own capacities and limitations when it comes to dealing with ongoing stress or stressful situations. Moreover, some individuals reach their limits quicker than others; it doesn’t mean that those suffering from emotional turmoil aren’t capable in any way; this simply means that in adverse situations, we all react differently. If you’re experiencing emotional turmoil, you shouldn’t be shamed or self-critical about your emotions.

How to Navigate Emotional Turbulence to Cultivate Inner Peace

Accept your vulnerability

Recognize how susceptible you and your moods are to tiny things, such as rude remarks or bad weather. Being sensitive is not a reason for shame; although your skin might perhaps not have the thickness you would like, you shouldn’t be feeling less than due to your feelings.

Deep Breathing and Meditation

The way we breathe is an expression of our mood; a deep, mindful breath can help to calm and center the mind. Mindfulness meditation, in particular, will help you remain aware of your emotions without becoming caught up in them.

Physical Activity

Engaging in physical exercise, regardless of whether it’s a vigorous walk, yoga class, or an exercise class, helps release those bottled-up emotions. Exercise produces endorphins that are naturally uplifting mood stimulants.

Routine and Structure

A daily routine can help to maintain stability and act as a buffer against unpredictable emotional fluctuations.

Read More: Andrew Huberman’s Daily Morning Routine: Explained

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Change your social life

Friendships that affect your health will definitely impact your mood. It’s important to acknowledge that you might have friendships that can be more challenging than others; try to distance yourself from any social interactions that stress you right now after you have gone ahead to talk it out and a correction was not taken.

Create relationships that promote vulnerability

The most effective way to combat feeling down is to surround yourself with people who offer help. You can turn to family and friends who can help you feel more belonging; a good person will accept your weaknesses and might even give you a peek into theirs.

Stay Connected

Talking with someone you trust, whether it’s a trusted friend or a family member, can bring relief. They could offer a new viewpoint, or just listening can be therapeutic.

Avoid Isolation

Even if your first desire is to retreat and not be around other supportive people, do well to avoid isolation.

Limit Digital Consumption

In this age of constant alerts, having a break from screens and staying clear of news that is triggering can help keep the balance of emotions.

Limit Stimulants

Eliminating or reducing sugar and caffeine has positive effects on your mood; these stimulants can cause mood swings and anxiety.

Respect your body

Whether we like it or not, the amount of time we’ve been sleeping, the amount of water we’ve consumed, and the amount of food we’ve consumed this day all play a part in our mood. In a way, all that happens in your mind is influenced by the physical state of your body. Be sure to pay special attention to your physical needs.

Get away from a negative mood

Every feeling is a temporary state of mind. It is your decision to recognize the mood as a fact that reflects your reality or simply as an emotion that is likely to disappear. Whatever you decide to do, remember that your mood is not a defining factor.

Set Boundaries

Be aware of your physical and emotional boundaries. Establishing clear boundaries with others and your own time can stop you from feeling overwhelmed; learn to say NO.

Emotion Journaling

Writing down your thoughts can give you a clearer view and perspective. If you record your emotions on paper, you’ll often be able to identify patterns and triggers, which can help to identify the root cause.

Have you stopped to consider the importance of your thoughts and emotions? It can be difficult to understand them; however, what if finding this understanding could be as easy as a pencil and paper? This is what makes self-therapy journaling a method that allows you to investigate the world around you, comprehend it, and change your life by writing.

Journals are a chance to reconnect with yourself and discover difficult emotions.

Many people write journals throughout their teens, whether by choice or as a result of an assignment at school. Maybe it’s been a while since you’ve thought of using a pen and paper to share your thoughts and desires. Journaling is a great option for anyone at any age in life.

Retrospective and introspection of your everyday experiences, relationships, and personal values can help you become more aware of your feelings and thoughts; it could lead to more peace of mind.

Journal prompts provide specific topics and themes to consider; this can be beneficial in the following situations:

  • Want to make writing a habit but never know what to write about
  • Have a lot of conflicting thoughts to sort through
  • You feel like you could write for hours, and you need help narrowing down your writing focus
Continue Reading: Writing Therapy: How To Write And Journal Therapeutically

Be gentle with yourself

More than ever, self-compassion is essential. Allow yourself to be aware of any emotions that are surfacing during the course of your day. Gently remind yourself that you have a right to be wherever you are today and that your reactions are not unforgivable; they’re simply human.

Practice Mindfulness

Being present and in the moment is a great way to avoid thinking about regrets from the past or thinking about the distant future. Techniques like exercising can help bring your attention back to the present moment.

Engage in Activities You Love

Engaging in activities that you enjoy can be a way to buffer against emotional turmoil. It doesn’t matter if you’re reading, drawing, or even playing music; actions will help to keep you grounded.

Seek Professional Help

If your emotional turmoil is hindering your everyday life, you should consider getting help. A therapist can offer strategies for dealing with stress specifically tailored to your needs.

Prioritizing Sleep and Nutrition

The health of our emotional state is directly connected to our physical well-being. Many times, we forget the most important aspects of our health, which are sleep and nutrition. Insufficient sleep can trigger feelings of anxiety and sadness. Ensuring that we get 7-9 hours of relaxation sleep can dramatically impact our mental health.

Keep in mind that it will pass

What you’re experiencing right now, from the greatest happiness to the lowest level of despair, isn’t forever. We can observe the change and know that it’s not going to be around forever; try to look at your emotions with compassion and believe that this turbulence will pass.

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How is Emotional Turbulence Treated?

Lifestyle shifts

Sometimes, tackling emotional turmoil can be as simple as taking a look at your life, assessing the factors that can be causing your stress, and making adjustments where it is necessary.

Mechanisms for coping

In certain situations, there are times when it is not feasible to eliminate or alter any contributing elements (such as caring for an elderly family member or performing a job that is highly demanded). A variety of ways to cope, such as meditating or taking a walk, can ease the emotional turmoil.


For individuals experiencing extreme, crippling emotional turbulence, therapy, especially Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy, can help to learn new behaviors and reasoning abilities to help them manage stressful life events.


If an expert in mental health believes that it is necessary, the patient may be prescribed some kind of medication that can help them deal with their emotional turmoil.


Accepting that it’s normal for you to experience a range of emotions will help you feel more relaxed. Be gentle, caring, and patient in difficult times; when you practice self-compassion and acceptance, you will find yourself calming yourself and opening the door towards self-love.

It can be challenging for people with intense emotions to manage, so take your time and be kind to yourself. Begin small and stay consistent.

In the near future, you’ll have calmer waters and a clearer understanding of your actions.