It’s highly unlikely to succeed if you’re not consistently making good decisions and taking the appropriate actions.
One thing that people who fail have in common is that they do not have consistent behaviour. That means that if you’re looking to succeed, you need to practice consistently, remain focused, and demonstrate more intention in the things you perform. Consistency will help you create awareness, establish trust, and provide your services with efficiency and profit; without it, your company will be more vulnerable to failure.
What Does it Mean to Be Consistent?
According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, the term “consistency” means:
A: Agreement or harmony of particular features or elements to one another or as a complete
B: Ability to be claimed as a whole without contradiction
C: Harmony of conduct or practice in a profession
D: Degree of firmness and viscosity as well as resistance
E: Firmness of constitution or character: persistency
F: Condition of adhering to one another
G: Firmness of material substance
When you’re consistent, it’s a sign that you’re committed to the task at hand or accomplishing an assignment; this means that you know what you’re looking to accomplish and taking steps to achieve it.

Being consistent is a promise you make to yourself as well as others. It’s about ensuring that you keep your word to follow through with the things you’ve committed to doing. Your consistency is a reflection of your beliefs and values.
Consistency is a wonderful quality to develop and incorporate into your daily life. The key to achieving consistency is creating and achieving objectives. Begin by determining how you would like to be consistent in all aspects of your lifestyle and setting tiny targets. As you get more consistent, ensure that you stay motivated and accountable; this could require a shift in your thinking to ensure that you remain optimistic and efficient throughout the entire process.
If you’re consistent and you’re doing what’s necessary in order to get a better result, you will get the result. So, being consistent is all about repetition; this is about repeating the same thing and then improving it as time goes by to achieve the goal.
Consistency, as it appears, requires time. For you to remain consistent, you need to duplicate positive behaviours or results day after day until it is what defines you. It’s not just like forming a habit; it is.
Why Do People Struggle to Stay Consistent?
There are a variety of reasons that could lead an individual to have trouble keeping their focus, and this could include:
- A lack of patience.
- Instant gratification.
- Insufficient clarity and lack of focus.
- There are no supportive behaviours or triggers.
- Having an “all or nothing” attitude.
If you understand that consistency is an essential habit to cultivate, then you can begin taking steps to improve it to avoid being like people who fail.
How to Be Consistent
Develop specific and realistic goals
It’s tough to stick to a consistent plan when you don’t have a concept of what you want to accomplish. When you’re beginning your new path, create easy objectives that are specific and measurable outcomes.
- Begin by defining what it means to you to be consistent. Are you striving for an improved quality of work? Do you wish to be more accessible and trustworthy in your relationships?
- Once you’ve determined your final target, think of smaller steps that will help you reach it. For instance, if you are looking to get more physically fit, you could make it a point to exercise five days a week. You could also join classes.
Put reminders on your workspace, home and your items
It is sometimes easy to forget about our new goals, routines, commitments, promises, or vows, particularly when we make promises to ourselves. To keep yourself on the right track throughout the day, write your reminders in prominent places.
- Make a list of what you’re looking to accomplish on post-it note cards and put them on your computer, mirror, fridge, car dashboard, and in your planner.
- Put a piece of paper that has your goal in your desk drawer, wallet, or even your purse.
- If you’re trying to make a habit of daily practice, you can set a reminder on your mobile. Set an alarm or utilize an app that reminds you of the need to take action.
Make a schedule that you can use
It’s easy to accumulate obligations and promises; however, a calendar planner or schedule can help you stay on course. A schedule can aid you in planning your day to ensure that everything gets done in a timely manner. It can also help you identify the obligations you take on and don’t have time for.
- Make use of a planner on paper or a desk calendar. Alternatively, you can install a scheduling program for your smartphone, such as Google Calendar or Outlook.
- Make sure you have the appropriate amount of time for each project. If you’re not sure how much time a task will take, be sure to allow an extra amount of time to complete it.
- For bigger goals, such as writing an article as well as losing weight, create small, daily tasks you can complete to reach your goal.
- Make sure to schedule breaks too! Do not schedule any other activities on that day or at the same time.
Promise only if you can fulfil it
Consistency usually involves making commitments and making them stick. It’s easy to be overwhelmed, but only when you make numerous promises. If you believe the request is difficult to fulfil, then say no.
- For instance, if you say to your spouse that you’ll take care of half the chores, ensure that you’re available at work to do the chores.
- In some instances, you might be able to negotiate a contract that you are capable of keeping.
- If you’re aware that it’s impossible to complete ten chapters per day to write your novel, tell yourself that you’ll write at a minimum of two each day.
Continue even if you commit an error
Even the most reliable and organized people stumble at times. Don’t be too hard on yourself for making a mistake in the process.
- If you have to end an appointment, breach the promise, or exceed a deadline, it doesn’t mean you’re not being consistent. Sometimes, despite our best efforts, external influences can hinder our progress.
- Make plans for mistakes and setbacks.
- It’s not a requirement to be perfect. If you skip a day at the gym, push yourself to get back on track the next day.
Utilize motivational tools to stay motivated
If you’re stressed or tired, it’s easy to let goals go for a few hours; however, these behaviours could quickly result in you falling off the course. If you’re feeling depressed or unmotivated, try to find ways to boost your motivation.
- Give yourself small rewards throughout the day to keep you up and going. If, for instance, you’re writing a lengthy essay, give yourself a 5-minute break each when you’ve completed one or two pages.
- Keep in mind your goals for the future. Insist yourself that if you are determined to achieve these goals, you’ll need to complete this task. For example, instead of saying, “I do not want to create those reports,” you could say, “Once I get those reports written, I’ll have the time to work on other things.”
You can take a break to recharge
If you allow yourself some time off, you’ll increase your efficiency and prevent burning out. Make time for yourself, and don’t let work or other obligations interfere with your time.
- For example, you could set aside an hour every night to relax, read, bathe, or sit down to enjoy a show. It would be best if you weren’t working during this period.
- Meditation is an excellent method to calm your mind and relax. Try meditating for at least five minutes every day. Then gradually increase it to 15 minutes per day.
- Don’t put off your personal time when you are juggling other obligations. For instance, if you require Saturday mornings to relax, do not promise your spouse that you’ll rise early to cut your lawn. Inform them that you’ll take care of it at a different time or day (and ensure that you follow through to the end of the commitment! ).
You are responsible for your actions
To be consistent, you need to ensure that you know when you’re not meeting the goals and standards you’ve established. When you’re not, think about whether your goals are achievable or ask yourself what you could do to improve your performance.
- In your calendar or schedule, you can mark off the tasks you’ve completed. This can give you a sense of satisfaction. It can also help you understand what you can do in just one day.
- Have a family member, friend, or mentor to serve as your accountability partner. Make them check in on you each week to assess how you’re doing. If they notice you aren’t acting in a consistent manner, give them the right to speak with you and call you out.
- Don’t be discouraged even if you fail to hit the target. The most important thing is to strive to achieve your goals and toward consistency.
Allow yourself some time to notice the changes
If you are trying to create new habits, remember that it will take time. Instead of rearranging your life with a myriad of new routines in one go, give yourself time to determine the best practices. Be realistic about what you are likely to experience as time passes.
- It generally takes about three weeks of doing something consistently to develop a habit. Start with simple rituals and work your way up.
Develop your willpower
Consistency requires determination to achieve since the tendency of consistency is to focus on doing even when you’re not feeling it. To achieve this, you must have the motivation to succeed.
- Try to avoid temptation whenever you can. If, for instance, you’re trying to stay consistent with your eating habits, ensure that you have healthy alternatives on hand in case you’re hungry. Avoid keeping unhealthy foods in your kitchen.
- An exhaustion-related condition can make you not complete things. Make sure you get a minimum of 7 to 9 hours of sleep each night.
- Remember the long-term advantages when you are feeling unmotivated. Review those goals on your checklist to find motivation.
Set limits on your personal relationships and commitments
Boundaries can make it easier to fulfil commitments since you are given an established limit within the space you operate. Before you take on new tasks or commitments, determine the things you’re willing and able to accomplish, in addition to what you’re aware that you cannot accomplish.
- For instance, you could declare that you will not be taking calls during a family meal. Keep your phone in a separate room during your meal.
Get rid of negative thoughts
If you are prone to negative thinking, you’re making yourself less likely to commit to your routine actions.
- Be aware of negative thought patterns that could hinder you the next time. Be aware of yourself when you begin thinking, “I am not able to accomplish the same thing”, or “I’m dumb.”
- If you notice negative thoughts, you can turn the other way or create the opposite thought. For instance, if you notice yourself thinking, “I cannot do this,” switch it around and consider, “I’m going to practice doing this even if I’m not proficient, to begin with.”
- If you’re feeling anxious about the task or your target, you should revise the task or goal. Divide it into smaller pieces or offer yourself a reward when you finish it.
Take on your feelings
The brain is a demanding organ. It consumes lots of energy, and that’s why we often feel slow or tired, particularly when we face a challenge, such as the need to be consistent.
Sometimes, we get tired. Sometimes, it’s just a biological method. Do not fall for it. Keep moving forward. Be strong in your feelings. If you don’t, you’ll remain in a bind.
Be grateful when you finish something
If you achieve your goals, reward yourself. Even goals that aren’t big enough deserve rewards to keep you on track through the entire process.
- If, for instance, you’ve been able to finish your work by 5 pm each day over a week, you can take the evening off. Take a trip to the cinema or indulge in an exquisite dinner.
In this endless pursuit of happiness, how often do you take a moment to be grateful for what you already have in this moment?
Gratitude can be a powerful emotion. We can find the joy we are looking for everywhere else by sending and receiving simple “thank you” messages.
In its most basic form, gratitude is a state of thankfulness or being grateful.
Do you mean to say “Thank you,” or are you just saying it politely? Neuroscientists found that people who feel gratitude when they say it will be happier and healthier. It’s not a new-age fad to express gratitude. It’s an aspect of human nature that reaps real benefits for those who genuinely mean it.
Giving thanks to others, Mother Nature, and the Almighty can help us feel happier. It can have a healing effect (Russell & Fosha 2008). There are many benefits to gratitude. Let us explore them and learn how to use gratitude to make life more enjoyable.
Continue Reading: How Gratitude Changes You and Your Brain
5 Reasons Why Consistency is an Important Habit
Why being consistent is a vital habit to develop. Understanding these benefits can be the reason you’re looking to pay more attention to them.
It helps develop the discipline of self-control
Forming a new habit isn’t easy since it’s much easier to go back to the habits you’re used to. Being constant requires self-control, which means you aren’t allowing yourself to wander off but remain focused on the gradual improvement.
It helps build a higher degree of confidence
The level of confidence you place in yourself is evident in the trust others place in you. Consistency can help you create momentum.
It will speed up your development or improvement in any subject
Consistency will lead to growth, which could help you achieve your goals. This can boost confidence in yourself and allow you to set larger and more challenging goals.
It can create the possibility of accountability
Your results will determine if you’re being consistent or not. If you are aware that you’re not in the right direction, you can be accountable to yourself, and this means you’re able to alter your behaviour or actions and continue to work towards the goals you’d like to achieve.
It can help you stand out or get recognized
Small actions carried over and over will result in significant results over time. When you practice something for many years, it will make you stand out from others who don’t follow through. This will help you get new opportunities that might be impossible in the absence of consistency.
Read More: Being A Man Of Your Word
Read More: The 80/20 Rule: How It Works and How You Can Apply It In Your Life To Get The Best Results
Read More: The Importance of Self-reflection and Introspection: Tips to Increase Self-Awareness
Consistency Quotes to Help You Keep Going
“In any sport that involves teams, the most successful teams possess cohesion and consistency.” – Roger Staubach Roger Staubach
“Getting an audience is difficult. Maintaining an audience is difficult. It requires a consistent flow of thinking, of intention, and of actions over a long duration of time.” – Bruce Springsteen Bruce Springsteen
“Success isn’t always about being the best. It’s about being consistent. Continuous hard work is the key to the success you desire. Success will eventually come. ” – Dwayne Johnson
“It’s extremely simple to make videos that go viral, but consistency and longevity is a challenge.” – Michelle Phan
“People appreciate consistent service. It doesn’t matter if it’s a shop or an eatery, they’d like to see the things you’re famous for. ” – Millard Drexler Millard Drexler
“What is it that makes a publishing house excellent? The simple answer is the constant production of books that are worth reading over a long period of time. ” – Robert Gottlieb
“Setting an objective isn’t the only aspect. It’s choosing how you’ll achieve it and sticking to that strategy. ” – Tom Landry. Tom Landry
It can be challenging to establish consistency until it becomes a routine, but it doesn’t have to be complicated. It’s about changing your mindset.
You can achieve everything you want in life if you employ the right strategies and follow the correct actions regularly. If you realize the importance of consistency as a practice, you can apply this to benefit yourself, which will increase your mood and the outcomes you achieve.
If you aren’t consistent, the likelihood of getting what you want at the time you want to is tiny.
Select a target or goal you wish to achieve. Choose one step you must take to accomplish it. Develop a strategy to monitor the action for at least sixty days, or till it’s a habit. Do Better, Be Better.