Why Mary, Angels, And Saints In Heaven Can Not Pray For You [Part 2]

God can do nothing on the earth unless men on earth permit God through their praying. Someone might say, Jonah Kingsley, are you saying God is not all powerful? 

But before you continue reading I’m sure that you clearly saw from the title of this article [part 2] which means there is a [part 1] and for the sake of more understanding please click the link below to read the first part of this article.

If you understand the concept of prayer, you will understand that prayer flows from this physical world up to a spiritual or heavenly world. This means someone who has crossed over to a spiritual world and has left this physical world cannot pray for you, and as we study the scriptures on this, you will begin to understand this. In the Old Testament, the high priest was told to burn incense on behalf of the people every morning. 

Continue Reading: Why Mary, Angels, And Other Saints That Have Gone To Heaven Can Not Pray For You [part 1]

Is God not all powerful to do anything he wants to do on the earth whenever He chooses? Do we need to pray before God is able to do what he ought to do on this earth? Yes, God is all powerful, but you see, the all powerful God is limited to operating on earth or in this world without the cooperation and partnership of men. The license that God has to operate on this Earth is through the prayers of men on Earth. Even if God wants to do anything on the Earth, God is restricted from doing anything; He cannot do anything on this Earth until men on permit and partner with him through their praying, giving, and walking with Him; this explains the divers calamities that are in the world. Even if it isn’t God’s dream for all of that to happen, he cannot just step in to interfere as much as He wants to. There is a law that prevents God from doing that; it’s called the Law of Order, and God is a God of Order. 

Even if He is the owner and creator of this world, the authority and license to manage this world or to be in charge of this world belong to man. After God was done creating the earth, He handed over that authority to be in charge of this earthly realm to man. God is not in charge of this world, even though he is the owner. But rather, he gave that authority to be in charge of this world to man. Let’s see this from the scriptures. 

In the beginning God created the heaven and the Earth. 

And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. 

Genesis 1:1,26 KJV

So we see from the above verse of the scriptures that after God was done creating the earth, He gave man the license and authority to be in charge of this earth. God is not in charge of this world, but rather man is. Which means if God wants to do anything on this earth, He won’t just start doing all in the name that he is God, but because He is a God of Order that abides by principles, He will have to come through men. 

That is, a man on Earth has to permit God or invite God through his praying before God is able to do anything, because God recognizes that, even though He is the creator of this world, He isn’t the one in charge of managing it, man is. So God gave man authority and dominion over this earthly realm to manage it and to be in charge, but at this time, prayer wasn’t needed because man communes with God and never prayed for God to do anything on the earth. Everything that man needed to do on this earth in terms of managing it, God gave man the wisdom and resources to do it. For man was created in the image and likeness of God. Man never needed God’s help to do anything on Earth. He was the help himself; he was the help the Earth needed, but everything changed when he sinned against God, and then, by reason of his fall, the Devil took that authority and license Adam had to be in charge of the Earth. 

When man was no longer in charge, the devil became in charge, and terrible things began to happen on Earth as a result of that. Adam and his wife first gave birth to two sons, whose names are Cain and Abel, and further on, Cain Killed Abel; the ground was cursed, and Earth was in much suffering at the hands of the enemy.

The earth was out of shape, and then, as a result of all of these, the Origin of Prayer began. Eve, Adam’s wife, gave birth to another son, and then they called him Seth. It was in the Seth generation that the origin of praying for God’s intervention on Earth began. 

The concept of praying came into play and has existed since the Seth generation. Specifically, it started with his son, Enos’ generation. 

Let’s see this. 

[25]And Adam knew his wife again; and she bore a son, and called his name Seth: For God, said she, hath appointed me another seed instead of Abel, whom Cain slew. [26]And to Seth, to him also, there was born a son; and he called his name Enos: then began men to call upon the name of the LORD. 

Genesis 4:25-26  KJV

So in verse 26, it tells us that men began to call upon the name of the Lord. Meaning the era of praying for God’s intervention on Earth began. Men began to pray! The concept of praying was born. Angels didn’t pray, it’s men on Earth who prayed. 

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There is nowhere in the Scriptures where angels are charged to pray for men. Angels are not of this earth in the way that they exist in the physical realm, because to be able to pray, you need to be on this earth; you need to be a man; you need to exist in the physical realm. A man on Earth is the one with the right to pray, not a man who has left Earth. Once any man or woman leaves this earth, not existing physically, they can not pray. So asking angels and saints to pray for you is a complete waste of your time and effort because you have been given the communion of the Holy Spirit, and you ought to pray to God and commune with Him by yourself; God is calling for a personal relationship with you.

Credit: Jonah Kingsley 

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